
Offsite Storage Inventory

Restrictions on Access

The bulk of the Ralph Lowell papers is stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

Collection Summary


This collection consists of the papers of Ralph Lowell, businessman, soldier, philanthropist, civic leader, and educational television pioneer. The collection includes letters, diaries, scrapbooks, photographs, and printed materials concerning Lowell's long association with Harvard and A. Lawrence Lowell; Lowell's activities at Lee, Higginson & Co. and the Boston Safe Deposit Co.; and his charitable work for the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and WGBH educational television.

Collection Description

This collection consists of papers of Ralph Lowell (1890-1978), banker, soldier, philanthropist, civic leader, and educational television pioneer. They consist of letters, diaries of Ralph Lowell (80 volumes), scrapbooks, and printed material. The collection includes correspondence, notebooks, and essays detailing Lowell's undergraduate education at Harvard (class of 1912), as well as materials illustrating his long association with Harvard, especially as president of the Harvard Club and as a cousin and friend of Harvard president A. Lawrence Lowell.

There are in addition papers concerning Lowell's activities at Lee Higginson & Co. and as president of the Boston Safe Deposit Co., as well as other papers related to his charitable efforts on behalf of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and the WGBH Educational Foundation. There are also papers and miscellaneous printed materials relating to Lowell's involvement in the Plattsburg, N.Y. military training camp movement, 1915-1917, and the Military Training Camps Association, 1940-1948.

Ralph Lowell married in 1917 Charlotte Loring (b. 1897), and the couple had seven children: Charlotte (1918-1927), John (b. 1919), Ralph (b. 1923), Mary Emlen (b. 1925), Lucy (b. 1928), Susan (b. 1932), and James Hale 2nd (b. 1937). There are some papers in the collection of Charlotte Loring Lowell and some of the children, as well as genealogical papers and earlier materials relating to ancestors of Ralph Lowell.

Processing Information

This collection is PARTIALLY PROCESSED.

Acquisition Information

Gift of Mrs. Ralph Lowell, July 1979, with additions, 1981.

Restrictions on Access

The bulk of the Ralph Lowell papers is stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

Summary Description of the Collection

Carton 1SH 14YR P

Misc. writings, ca. 1902-1940

Carton 1SH 14YR P

Correspondence, 1849-1912

Carton 2SH 14YS Q

Correspondence, world tour, 1912-1913; 1913-1944

Carton 3SH 14YT R

Correspondence, 1945-1977

Carton 3SH 14YT R

Obituaries, 1978

Carton 3SH 14YT R

Letters of condolence, 1978

Carton 3SH 14YT R

Guest book from Ralph Lowell's funeral, 1978

Carton 3SH 14YT R

Charlotte L. Lowell correspondence, 1969, 1978

Carton 3SH 14YT R


Carton 3SH 14YT R

Boston Museum of Fine Arts

Carton 3SH 14YT R

Interview with Ralph Lowell by Daniel M. Fox, 30 Jan. 1964

Carton 4SH 14YU S

Harvard University papers and notes, 1908-1912

Carton 4SH 14YU S

A. Lawrence Lowell correspondence, 1937-1942

Carton 4SH 14YU S

Harvard Coll. Board of Overseers, 1943-1952

Carton 4SH 14YU S

Harvard War Memorial Comm., 1946-1948

Carton 4SH 14YU S

Harvard Club, 1940-1947

Carton 5SH 14YV T

WWI military training camps, corresp. & papers, 1916-1918

Carton 5SH 14YV T

Military Training Camps Assoc., 1940-1948

Additions to collection, 1928-1977

Carton 5SH 14YV T

Ralph Lowell correspondence, 1928-1977

Carton 5SH 14YV T

DuPont-General Motors case, 1958-1959

Carton 5SH 14YV T

Bingham Associates Fund/New England Center Hosp., 1945-1956

Carton 5SH 14YV T

Essay on Labrador, undated

Carton 5SH 14YV T

Genealogical papers, some printed matter

Ralph Lowell diaries

Carton 6SH 14YW UVol. 1

Line-a-day diary, 5-year type, 1904-1908

Carton 6SH 14YW UVol. 2

Line-a-day diary, 5-year type, only 1909 filled in, 1 Jan.-7 July 1909, with gaps

Carton 6SH 14YW UVol. 3

Diary of trip to Chamberlain Lake, 6-13 Aug. 1907

Carton 6SH 14YW UVol. 4

Diary, vol. I, 13 Oct.-1 Dec. 1907

Carton 6SH 14YW UVol. 5

Diary, vol. II, camping trip, 2-7 Dec. 1907

Carton 6SH 14YW UVol. 6

Diary, vol. III, Arizona stay, 19 Jan.-12 Mar. 1908

Carton 6SH 14YW UVol. 7

Diary, camping trip, 24-26 Feb. 1908, 13 Mar.-12 Apr. 1908

Carton 6SH 14YW UVol. 8

Diary, 25 Apr.-8 May 1908

Carton 6SH 14YW UVol. 9

Diary, 9-17 May 1908

Carton 6SH 14YW UVol. 10

Diary, Arizona, vol. III, 19-30 May 1908

Carton 6SH 14YW UVol. 11

French notes with diary of camping trip, 28-30 June 1908

Carton 6SH 14YW UVol. 12

Diary, 21 July-23 Aug. 1908

Carton 6SH 14YW UVol. 13

Diary, camping trip, 2-5 Sep. [1908?]

Carton 6SH 14YW UVol. 14

Line-a-day diary, 1910

Carton 6SH 14YW UVol. 15

Line-a-day diary, 1911

Carton 6SH 14YW UVol. 16

Diary, vol. IV, 31 May-5 June [1911?]

Carton 6SH 14YW UVol. 17

Diary, [book I], 1-12 July 1911

Carton 6SH 14YW UVol. 18

Diary, book II, 12-20 July 1911

Carton 6SH 14YW UVol. 19

Diary, book III, 21-28 July 1911

Carton 6SH 14YW UVol. 20

Diary, [book IV], 28 July-6 Aug. 1911

Carton 6SH 14YW UVol. 21

Diary, book V, 6-18 Aug. 1911

Carton 6SH 14YW UVol. 22

Diary, [book IV], 18 Aug.-1 Sep. 1911

Carton 6SH 14YW UVol. 23

Diary, 1 July-1 Sep. 1911, typed with photographs

Carton 6SH 14YW UVol. 24

Diary, 1912, senior year at Harvard

Carton 6SH 14YW UVol. 25

Diary, trip around world, vol. I, 28 Nov. 1912-7 Jan. 1913

Carton 6SH 14YW UVol. 26

Diary, trip around world, vol. II, 8 Jan.-1 Mar. 1913

Carton 6SH 14YW UVol. 27

Diary, trip around world, vol. III, 1 Mar.-17 Apr. 1913

Carton 6SH 14YW UVol. 28

Diary, trip around world, vol. IV, 18 Apr.-29 May 1913

Carton 6SH 14YW UVol. 29

Diary, trip around world, vol. V, 29 May-11 June 1913

Carton 6SH 14YW UVol. 30

Diary, trip around world, vol. VI, 11 June-2 July 1913

Carton 6SH 14YW UVol. 31

Diary, trip around world, vol. VII, 2 July-1 Aug. 1913

Carton 7SH 14YX VVol. 32

Diary, trip around world, vol. VIII, 1-23 Aug. 1913

Carton 7SH 14YX VVol. 33

Diary, 4 Jan.-29 Dec. 1919, intermittent

Carton 7SH 14YX VVol. 34

Line-a-day diary, school year, Sep. 1914-June 1915

Carton 7SH 14YX VVol. 35

Line-a-day diary, school year, Sep. 1915-June 1916

Carton 7SH 14YX VVol. 36

Line-a-day diary, school year, Sep. 1916-June 1917

Carton 7SH 14YX VVol. 37

Diary, 6 Aug.-27 Nov. 1923

Carton 7SH 14YX VVol. 38

Diary, 2 Jan.-15 July 1928, with gaps

Carton 7SH 14YX VVol. 39

Diary, 26 June 1930-26 Dec. 1934, intermittent

Carton 7SH 14YX VVol. 40

Diary, 26 Dec. 1938-31 Dec. 1939

Carton 7SH 14YX VVol. 41

Diary, 1940

Carton 7SH 14YX VVol. 42

Diary, 1941

Carton 7SH 14YX VVol. 43

Diary, 1942

Carton 7SH 14YX VVol. 44

Diary, 1943

Carton 7SH 14YX VVol. 45

Diary, 1944

Carton 7SH 14YX VVol. 46

Diary, 1945

Carton 7SH 14YX VVol. 47

Diary, 9 Jan. and 8 Feb. 1945

Carton 7SH 14YX VVol. 48

Diary, 1946

Carton 7SH 14YX VVol. 49

Diary, 1947

Carton 7SH 14YX VVol. 50

Diary, 1948

Carton 7SH 14YX VVol. 51

Diary, 1949

Carton 8SH 14YY WVol. 52

Diary, 1950

Carton 8SH 14YY WVol. 53

Diary, 1 Jan.-16 Feb. 1951

Carton 8SH 14YY WVol. 54

Diary, 1951

Carton 8SH 14YY WVol. 55

Diary, 1952

Carton 8SH 14YY WVol. 56

Diary, 1953

Carton 8SH 14YY WVol. 57

Diary, 1953, "overflow diary."

Carton 8SH 14YY WVol. 58

Diary, 1954

Carton 8SH 14YY WVol. 59

Diary, 1955

Carton 8SH 14YY WVol. 60

Diary, 1956

Carton 8SH 14YY WVol. 61

Diary, 1957

Carton 8SH 14YY WVol. 62

Diary, 1958

Carton 8SH 14YY WVol. 63

Diary, 1959

Carton 8SH 14YY WVol. 64

Diary, 1960

Carton 9SH 14YZ XVol. 65

Diary, 1961

Carton 9SH 14YZ XVol. 66

Diary, 1962

Carton 9SH 14YZ XVol. 67

Diary, 1963

Carton 9SH 14YZ XVol. 68

Diary, 1964

Carton 9SH 14YZ XVol. 69

Diary, 1965

Carton 9SH 14YZ XVol. 70

Diary, 1966

Carton 9SH 14YZ XVol. 71

Diary, 1967

Carton 9SH 14YZ XVol. 72

Diary, 1968

Carton 9SH 14YZ XVol. 73

Diary, 1969

Carton 9SH 14YZ XVol. 74

Diary, 1970

Carton 9SH 14YZ XVol. 75

Diary, 1 Jan.-14 Feb. 1971

Carton 9SH 14YZ XVol. 76

Diary, 14 Feb.-31 Dec. 1971

Carton 9SH 14YZ XVol. 77

Diary, 2 Jan.-20 Mar. 1972

Carton 9SH 14YZ XVol. 78

Diary, 1974

Carton 9SH 14YZ XVol. 79

Diary, 1975

Carton 9SH 14YZ XVol. 80

Diary, 1 Jan.-26 Sep. 1976

Other volumes

Carton 10SH 14Z1 0Vol. 81

Edward P. Hamilton diary, 1916

Carton 10SH 14Z1 0Vol. 82

Ralph Lowell Volkmann School lab notes, undated

Carton 10SH 14Z1 0Vol. 83

Ralph Lowell baseball score book, 1904, 1907

Carton 10SH 14Z1 0Vol. 84

Ralph Lowell Friday Afternoon Class, 1906-1907

Carton 10SH 14Z1 0

Ralph Lowell, loose diary pages, 1911, 1926-1927, 1930

Carton 10SH 14Z1 0

Ralph Lowell, "A Perfect Vacation," 1936

Carton 10SH 14Z1 0

Ralph Lowell, typed and photocopied misc. reminiscences

Carton 10SH 14Z1 0

Ralph Lowell, diary transcripts, Aug. 1907-May 1913

Carton 11SH 14Z2 1

Ralph Lowell, diary transcripts, June 1913-Dec. 1945

Carton 12SH 14Z3 2

Ralph Lowell, diary transcripts, 1946-1949

Carton 12SH 14Z3 2

Misc. typescripts of diary entries, addresses, essays, etc.

Carton 12SH 14Z3 2

John Lowell, Jr. school papers, 1897, 1904-1905

Carton 12SH 14Z3 2

Misc. John Lowell papers, 1865-1921

Carton 12SH 14Z3 2

Misc. John and James H. Lowell items, 1929-1931

Carton 12SH 14Z3 2

Harvard University printed matter

Carton 13SH 14Z4 3

Printed matter, Plattsburg

Carton 13SH 14Z4 3

Misc. printed matter and newspaper clippings, unsorted

Carton 13SH 14Z4 3

Lucy Lowell trip overseas, 1981, postcards

Carton 13SH 14Z4 3

Cassette tape of "Grand Bostonians" show, 25 Apr. 1973


Carton 14SH 14Z5 4

Ralph Lowell, 1910-1912, Harvard

Carton 14SH 14Z5 4

Charlotte Loring Lowell, 1917-1918

Carton 14SH 14Z5 4

Charlotte Loring Lowell, 1917-1922

Carton 14SH 14Z5 4

Charlotte Loring Lowell, 1923-1932

Carton 15SH 14Z6 5

Charlotte Loring Lowell for Ralph Lowell, 1932-1935

Carton 15SH 14Z6 5

Charlotte Loring Lowell for Ralph Lowell, 1936-1939

Carton 16SH 14Z7 6

Charlotte Loring Lowell for Ralph Lowell, 1938-1944

Carton 16SH 14Z7 6

Charlotte Loring Lowell for Ralph Lowell, 1948-1950

Carton 17SH 14Z8 7

Charlotte Loring Lowell for Ralph Lowell, 1944-1948

Carton 18SH 14Z9 8

Charlotte Loring Lowell for Ralph Lowell, 1950-1953

Oversize Materials

1 oversize boxSTORED ONSITE at Ms. N-2077

Materials Removed from the Collection


Challenge Cup Boston Poultry Association medal [not in Storer]

Society of Mayflower Descendants medal, Charlotte Loring Lowell [not in Storer]

Society of Mayflower Descendants badge, Charlotte Blake Loring [not in Storer]

Park Memorial medal of Lowell Institute School [not in Storer]

Charlotte Lowell Memorial medal [not in Storer]

Ralph Lowell "Grand Bostonian" award medal [not in Storer]

American Legion 12th National Convention badge [not in Storer]

Ralph Lowell Award medal [not in Storer]

Delta Kappa Epsilon medals (3), John Lowell, John Lowell, Jr. & Ralph Lowell [Storer 0868]

Harvard Polo Club medal, Ralph Lowell [Storer 0909]

Institute of 1770 medals (2), John Lowell, Jr. & Ralph Lowell [Storer 0920]

Pierian Sodality medal, Lowell Family [G.S.E..] [Storer 0936; Julian RF-11]

Signet Club medal, Ralph Lowell [Storer 0942]

Sphinx Club medal, Ralph Lowell [Storer 0946]

Stylus Club Medal, Ralph Lowell [Storer 0947]

Centennial Anniversary Battle of Bunker Hill medal [Storer 0990]

Bunker Hill Monument/ Warren medal [Storer 2053]

Museum Objects

LOWELL Button (matrix for) [MHS Artifact no. 1066.01-.02]

LOWELL Tray [MHS Artifact no. 0954]

LOWELL Knife, cake [MHS Artifact no. 0953]

LOWELL Tray [MHS Artifact no. 0952]

BOOTT Elizabeth Needlework picture (framed) [MHS Artifact no. 0745]

LOWELL Ralph / EMERSON COLLEGE Hood, academic [MHS Artifact no. 0914]

LOWELL Ralph / BOSTON UNIVERSITY Hood, academic [MHS Artifact no. 0907]

LOWELL Ralph / BOSTON COLLEGE Hood, academic [MHS Artifact no. 0908]

LOWELL Ralph / NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY L.L.D. Hood, academic [MHS Artifact no. 0909]

LOWELL Ralph / TUFTS UNIVERSITY L.H.D. Hood, academic [MHS Artifact no. 0910]

LOWELL Ralph / BATES COLLEGE L.L.D. Hood, academic [MHS Artifact no. 0911]

LOWELL Ralph / BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY Hood, academic [MHS Artifact no. 0913]

LOWELL Ralph / LOWELL TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Hood, academic [MHS Artifact no. 0915]

LOWELL Ralph / BOSTON COLLEGE Hood, academic [MHS Artifact no. 0916]

LOWELL Ralph / BOSTON UNIVERSITY Gown, academic [MHS Artifact no. 0917]

LOWELL Ralph / SUFFOLK UNIVERSITY Hood, academic [MHS Artifact no. 0912]

MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Paper weight with seal [MHS Artifact no. 1077]


EDELWEISS Flower, pressed [MHS Artifact no. 1067]

LOWELL John / Fob, seal [MHS Artifact no. 1068]

LOWELL John / Ring, mourning [MHS Artifact no. 1069]

LOWELL Ralph / Insignia pin [Infantry] [MHS Artifact no. 1074.01]

LOWELL Ralph / Insignia pin [U.S. Reserves] [MHS Artifact no. 1071.07]

LOWELL Ralph / Insignia pin [Infantry] [MHS Artifact no. 1074.03]

LOWELL Ralph / Insignia pin [Infantry] [MHS Artifact no. 1074.02]

LOWELL Ralph / Insignia pin [Lt. Col.] [MHS Artifact no. 1073.01-.04]

LOWELL Ralph / Insignia pin [Maj.] [MHS Artifact no. 1072.01-.02]

LOWELL Ralph / Insignia pin [Maj.] [MHS Artifact no. 1072.05-.06]

LOWELL Ralph / Insignia pin [Maj.] [MHS Artifact no. 1072.03-.04]

LOWELL Ralph / Insignia pin [U.S. Reserves] [MHS Artifact no. 1071.08]

LOWELL Ralph / Insignia pin [Infantry] [MHS Artifact no. 1074.04]

LOWELL Ralph / Insignia pin [U.S. Reserves] [MHS Artifact no. 1071.06]

LOWELL Ralph / Insignia pins [U.S.] [MHS Artifact no. 1071.01-.05]

LOWELL Ralph / Insignia pin [U.S. Reserves] [MHS Artifact no. 1071.09]

LOWELL Ralph / WWI Flag, service [MHS Artifact no. 1316]

LOWELL Genealogy plaque plaque, engraved and framed [MHS Artifact no. 1315]

LOWELL Shoe ribbon [MHS Artifact no. 1070.01-.02]

AT&T/ CLARK, DODGE & COMPANY Cable [MHS Artifact no. 1076]

HARVARD TERCENTENARY/ LOWELL Ralph / Baton, Marshal's [MHS Artifact no. 1065]


Ink drawing on [card stock?], [1973], "Favorite 'Group' - The Grand Bostonians." Left to right: Arthur Fiedler, David T.W. McCord, Samuel Eliot Morison, Archibald MacLeish, John W. McCormack, Paul Dudley White, Ralph Lowell. Framed.


Photographs removed to the MHS Photo Archives.

Preferred Citation

Ralph Lowell papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Lowell, Charlotte Loring, 1897-1984.
Lowell family.
Lowell family--Genealogy.
Lowell, Ralph, 1890-1978.


Harvard University.
Lowell Institute.
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
WGBH (Television station : Boston, Mass.)


Television in education.