
Guide to the Collection

Restrictions on Access

The bulk of the Ellery Sedgwick papers (except photocopies and oversize) is stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

Collection Summary


This collection contains papers documenting Ellery Sedgwick's professional career as editor of the Atlantic Monthly magazine, 1908-1938, and his personal and varied associations. The bulk of the papers consists of correspondence with contributing authors and poets, notes, and manuscripts in various forms.

Biographical Sketch

Ellery Sedgwick was born 17 Feb. 1872 in New York City to Henry Dwight Sedgwick and Henrietta (Ellery) Sedgwick. Sedgwick's ancestors, a leading family of Stockbridge, Mass., established a tradition of literary achievement and included authors Catharine Maria Sedgwick and Henry Dwight Sedgwick.

Sedgwick attended the Groton School of Massachusetts, from which he graduated in 1890, and Harvard University. Upon graduation as part of Harvard's Class of 1894, Sedgwick returned to Groton to teach classics for two years. He left the school in 1896 to accept a position as assistant editor at Youth's Companion. In 1900, Sedgwick took over editorship of Leslie's Monthly Magazine, a position he held for four years. He later worked for one year at McClure's Magazine and in 1908 for D. Appleton and Company.

Sedgwick began his career with the Atlantic Monthly in 1908, when he purchased the magazine from Houghton Mifflin. At that time, monthly circulation was 15,000, and the magazine ran an annual deficit of $5,000. Sedgwick worked to reverse the trend, and by 1928, he had increased circulation to 137,000. He has been credited with discovering many writers and with being the first American publisher to print the works of Ernest Hemingway. Sedgwick resigned as editor in 1938 and sold the magazine in 1939. He was recognized for his editorial skills by three academic institutions. Tufts University and Dartmouth College awarded Sedgwick the Litt.D. in 1920 and 1921, and he received the LhD. from Syracuse University.

In 1946, Sedgwick wrote his memoirs, The Happy Profession, and in 1947 published a compilation of his favorite pieces from the Atlantic Monthly, titled Atlantic Harvest. He also edited Novel and Story: A Book of Modern Readings with Harry A. Domincovich, which was published in 1939.

His professional activities were not limited to editing. In 1918, he became vice president and part-owner of Rumford Press, an affiliation he maintained through the 1940s. He also maintained ties to Groton and Harvard as a trustee and served as trustee of the Boston Public Library.

Sedgwick married Mabel Cabot in 1904. They had four children: Ellery, Cabot, Theodora, and Henrietta. Mabel Sedgwick died in 1937. Around that time, Sedgwick also had troubles with his own health. He was bed-ridden with sciatica for a few months in 1938-1939, and he suffered from arthritis. He remarried in 1939 [Isabel] Marjorie Russell, from England. He died 21 Apr. 1960 in Washington, D.C.

Collection Description

The Ellery Sedgwick papers document Sedgwick's career as editor of the Atlantic Monthly magazine from 1908 through his retirement in 1938, as well as other personal and professional activities and relationships during this time and until his death in 1960. Correspondents include relatives, literary figures, politicians, and fellow Harvard alumni.

Papers documenting Sedgwick's editorship of the Atlantic Monthly consist mainly of correspondence, office files on authors, notes, manuscripts in various forms (notes, drafts, proofs, and reprints), royalty statements, stockholders' records, Sedgwick's (and his staff's) carbon letters and replies, clippings, and printed materials. These papers make up more than half of the collection. Included is material related to the writings of Wilma Francis Minor and Opal Whiteley; Al Smith's candidacy for the presidential nomination; and Sedgwick's writings on the Spanish Civil War and his trip to Spain in 1938.

This guide contains two indexes to the correspondence in Series II-V: a Select Correspondent Index and a Select Institutional Affiliation Index.

Arrangement Note

The organization of this collection is based loosely on what is assumed to be Ellery Sedgwick's original working arrangement. The collection has been moved several times and material has been integrated, so original order was impossible to maintain.

The papers are arranged in seven series: Atlantic Monthly general files, Atlantic Monthly special subject files, personal files, professional affiliations, publications, oversize papers, and photocopies.

Acquisition Information

The first donation of Ellery Sedgwick papers to the Massachusetts Historical Society (MHS) was made by Mrs. Marjorie (Russell) Sedgwick in 1967 and consisted of some Atlantic Monthly files, the Spanish Civil War papers, and Sedgwick's records as an overseer of Harvard University. Family letters and more general papers were donated by Mrs. Sedgwick in 1968, but the bulk of the approximately 1,940 letters written to Sedgwick during his editorship were acquired by the MHS. The Atlantic Monthly Press added a box to the collection in 1987, with the remainder of the material coming in small parcels between 1969 and 1989, the last after the death of Sedgwick’s successor, Edward Weeks.

The Atlantic Monthly general files were initially processed as the Ellery Sedgwick papers, a distinct collection. The additions were processed as Ellery Sedgwick papers II, III, IV, V, Mrs. Sedgwick papers, and Additions. All of these collections have now been integrated into one collection.

Restrictions on Access

The bulk of the Ellery Sedgwick papers (except photocopies and oversize) is stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

Detailed Description of the Collection

The description of Series II-V below includes box and folder numbers used prior to the transfer of the collection to record cartons for offsite storage. These old box and folder numbers have been retained because the Select Correspondent Index and Select Institutional Affiliation Index refer to them. Researchers should use carton and barcode numbers to request materials for retrieval.

I. Atlantic Monthly general files, 1908-1960

Arranged alphabetically.

This series comprises the bulk of the Ellery Sedgwick papers and consists primarily of correspondence, 1908-1960, particularly during the 1920s and 1930s. In addition to correspondence between Sedgwick and authors, agents, and publishers, the files include pamphlets, article reprints, and newspaper clippings, as well as correspondence of Atlantic Monthly staff. Staff members include Mark A. DeWolfe Howe, Edward A. Weeks, Teresa S. Fitzpatrick, MacGregor Jenkins, and Theodore Morrison. (These individuals are not indexed for this series because they worked in an official capacity for the magazine.) This series also contains carbon copies of outgoing correspondence, mostly generated by Sedgwick (which have also not been indexed). A significant portion of the collection consists of correspondence from Atlantic Monthly readers, called "Comments." These are interspersed throughout the files, but are separated from author's correspondence and arranged at the end of each file.

The primarily subject of the correspondence is the publication of articles in the Atlantic Monthly. Many folders contain only a few letters presenting manuscripts. However, there were many authors with whom Sedgwick developed personal relationships and/or whose works were frequently printed in the magazine. Among the authors with whom Sedgwick had extensive correspondence were James Truslow Adams, Mary Antin, L. Adams Beck, Godfrey Rathbone Benson (Lord Charnwood), Gamaliel Bradford, William H. Chamberlin, John Jay Chapman, W. Hans Coudenhove, Mazo de la Roche, Walter D. Edmonds, Felix Frankfurter, Robert Dean Frisbie, John Galsworthy, James Norman Hall, Charles Boardman Hawes, Hudson Hoagland, Albert Kinross, Walter Lippmann, Amy Lowell, William McFee, Margaret Prescott Montague, Samuel Eliot Morison, Edward A. Newton, Albert J. Nock, Charles Nordhoff, Nora Waln Osland-Hill, Arthur Pound, Agnes Repplier, Hilda Rose, Harrison W. Smith, Logan Pearsall Smith, Henry Williamson, Owen Wister, and Hans Zinsser.

Other significant correspondents include Pearl S. Buck, Winston S. Churchill, John Foster Dulles, Rudyard Kipling, Henry Cabot Lodge, Archibald MacLeish, Eleanor Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Carl Sandburg, George Santayana, William H. Taft, Rabindranath Tagore, Wendell L. Wilkie, and Virginia Woolf.

Some of the correspondence in this series has been photocopied for use by researchers and stored onsite at Ms. N-854. See the List of Photocopied Correspondence below.

Carton 1SH 117J U

Adamic, Louis

Carton 1SH 117J U

Adams, Brooks

Adams, James Truslow

Carton 1SH 117J U

Correspondence, undated, 1920-1926

Carton 1SH 117J U

Correspondence, 1927-1954

Carton 1SH 117J U

Comments, undated, 1934-1943, 1966

Carton 2SH 117K V

Addams, Jane

Carton 2SH 117K V

Agassiz, George R.

Carton 2SH 117K V

Aiken, Conrad

Carton 2SH 117K V

Aldrich, Mildred

Carton 2SH 117K V

Alger, George W.

Carton 2SH 117K V

Allen, Annie Winslow

Carton 2SH 117K V

Angell, Norman

Carton 2SH 117K V

Anger, Henry

Carton 2SH 117K V

Antin, Mary

Carton 2SH 117K V

Arliss, George

Carton 2SH 117K V

Arnold, Julian

Carton 2SH 117K V

Asgwith, Hon. H. H.

Carton 2SH 117K V

Atlantic Monthly Almanac

Carton 2SH 117K V

Aydelotte, Frank

Carton 2SH 117K V

Ayer, Fred

Carton 2SH 117K V

Ayscough, John

Carton 2SH 117K V

B., C. C.

Carton 2SH 117K V

Baker, Newton D.

Carton 2SH 117K V

Baldenspage, Fernand

Carton 2SH 117K V

Balfour, Earl Arthur James

Carton 2SH 117K V

Barbour, Thomas

Carton 2SH 117K V

Barrie, James M.

Carton 2SH 117K V

Barry, William Canon D. D.

Carton 2SH 117K V

Baruch, Bernard M.

Carton 2SH 117K V

Bates, H. E.

Carton 2SH 117K V

Beaverbrook, Lord

Carton 2SH 117K V

Beck, L. Adams

Carton 2SH 117K V

Beebe, William

Carton 2SH 117K V

Benit, William Rose

Carton 2SH 117K V

Bennett, Arnold

Carton 2SH 117K V

Benson, Robert Hugh

Carton 2SH 117K V

Bernard, J. H.

Carton 2SH 117K V

Bigelow, John

Carton 2SH 117K V

Bingham, Robert W.

Carton 2SH 117K V

Binyon, Lawrence

Carton 2SH 117K V

Bland, J. O. P.

Carton 2SH 117K V

Bok, E. W.

Carton 2SH 117K V

Bonsal, Stephen

Carton 2SH 117K V

Borah, William E.

Carton 2SH 117K V

Bordeaux, Henry

Carton 2SH 117K V

Boutroux, Em[ile]

Carton 2SH 117K V

Bowen, Catherine Drinker

Carton 2SH 117K V

Bradford, Gamaliel E.

Carton 2SH 117K V

Brent, Charles H. (Bishop)

Carton 2SH 117K V

Bridge, Ann

Carton 2SH 117K V

British Library of Information

Carton 2SH 117K V

Bromfield, Louis

Carton 2SH 117K V

Brookfield, A. M.

Carton 2SH 117K V

Brooks, Van Wyck

Carton 2SH 117K V

Brown, W. G.

Carton 2SH 117K V

Brownell, W. C.

Carton 2SH 117K V

Bryce, James

Carton 2SH 117K V

Buchan, John

Carton 2SH 117K V

Buck, Pearl S.

Carton 2SH 117K V

Bundy, Harvey H.

Carton 2SH 117K V

Burman, Ben Lucien

Carton 2SH 117K V

Burnett Smith, Mrs.

Carton 2SH 117K V

Burroughs, John

Carton 2SH 117K V

Butler, Elias Parker

Carton 2SH 117K V

Bynner, Witter

Carton 2SH 117K V

Byrd, Richard E.

Carton 2SH 117K V

Cabot, Richard C.

Carton 2SH 117K V

Campbell, Cyril

Carton 2SH 117K V

Campbell, Sir John

Carton 2SH 117K V

Canby, Henry S.

Carton 2SH 117K V

Carpenter, W. Boyd

Carton 2SH 117K V

Casson, Stanley

Carton 2SH 117K V

Cather, Willa

Carton 2SH 117K V

Cawein, Madison

Carton 2SH 117K V

Cecil, Lord David

Chamberlin, William Henry

Carton 3SH 117L W

Correspondence, 1924-1944

Carton 3SH 117L W

Comments, A-Z

Carton 3SH 117L W

Chapman, John Jay

Carton 3SH 117L W

Chapman, R. W.

Carton 3SH 117L W

Charnwood, Lord (Godfrey Rathbone Benson)

Carton 3SH 117L W

Chase, Mary Ellen

Carton 3SH 117L W

Cherodame, Andre

Carton 3SH 117L W

Churchill, Winston S.

Carton 3SH 117L W

Clarke, John M.

Carton 3SH 117L W

Clarke, Joseph I. D.

Carton 3SH 117L W

Clay, Lucius D.

Carton 3SH 117L W

Cloud, Dudley H.

Carton 3SH 117L W

Collins, Charles A.

Carton 3SH 117L W

Colum, Padrai

Carton 3SH 117L W

Conant, James Bryant

Carton 3SH 117L W

Connolly, Cyril

Carton 3SH 117L W

Conrad, Joseph

Carton 3SH 117L W

Constable & Co. Ltd.

Carton 3SH 117L W

Conway family

Carton 3SH 117L W

Coolidge, Calvin

Carton 3SH 117L W

Copeland, C. T.

Carton 3SH 117L W

Coppard, A. E.

Carton 3SH 117L W

Cortissoz, Royal

Carton 3SH 117L W

Cotting, Joseph P.

Carton 3SH 117L W

Coudenhove, Hans

Carton 3SH 117L W

Coulerain, Pierre de

Carton 3SH 117L W

Cowden, Roy W.

Carton 3SH 117L W

Cox, Harold

Carton 3SH 117L W

Cozzens, James Gould

Carton 3SH 117L W

Cram, R. A.

Carton 3SH 117L W

Crane, Winthrop Murray

Carton 3SH 117L W

Cromer, Lord

Carton 3SH 117L W

Crosby, Caresse

Carton 3SH 117L W

Crothers, S. M.

Carton 3SH 117L W

Crowninshield, Frank

Carton 3SH 117L W

Curley, James M.

Carton 3SH 117L W

Curtis, Charles P., Jr.

Carton 3SH 117L W

Cushing, Harvey

Carton 3SH 117L W

Daniels, Josephus

Carton 3SH 117L W

Danielson, Richard E.

Carton 3SH 117L W

Dartmouth College

Carton 3SH 117L W

Daudet, Ernest

Carton 3SH 117L W

Davis, John W.

Carton 3SH 117L W

De La Mare, Walter

Carton 3SH 117L W

Deland, Margaret

Carton 3SH 117L W

De La Roche, Mazo

Carton 3SH 117L W

Delbruck, Hans

Carton 3SH 117L W

DeMadariaja, Salvador

Carton 3SH 117L W

Denison, T.

Carton 3SH 117L W

De Selincourt, Ann

Carton 3SH 117L W

DeVoto, Bernard

Carton 3SH 117L W

Dewey, John

Carton 3SH 117L W

Dewey, Stoddard

Carton 3SH 117L W

Dexter, Philip

Carton 3SH 117L W

Dickinson, G. Lowes

Carton 3SH 117L W

Dillon, John

Carton 3SH 117L W

Dillon, Mary

Carton 3SH 117L W

Dimnet, Ernest (M. l'Abbe)

Carton 3SH 117L W

Donald, Malcolm

Carton 3SH 117L W

Douglas, Lloyd

Carton 3SH 117L W

Dowden, Edward

Carton 3SH 117L W

Draper, Ruth

Carton 3SH 117L W

Dreiser, Theodore

Carton 3SH 117L W

Drinkwater, John

Carton 3SH 117L W

Dukes, Jane

Carton 3SH 117L W

Dulles, John Foster

Carton 3SH 117L W

Duncan, Norman

Carton 3SH 117L W

Dunsany, Lord B. (Plunkett, Edward John Moreton Drax)

Carton 3SH 117L W

Durant, Will

Carton 3SH 117L W

Dwight, H. G.

Carton 4SH 1AE8

E[cageberg ?], Raphael

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Edmonds, Walter D.

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Eliot, Charles W.

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Ellis, Havelock

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Ely, John

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Emery, Brooks

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Emery, Charles F., Jr.

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Ernst, Morris L.

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Eucken, Rudolph

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Evans, B. Ifor

Carton 4SH 1AE8


Carton 4SH 1AE8

Fabyan, George

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Faik, Joseph W.

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Ferrero, Frances L.

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Ferrero, Gugliemo

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Fields, Annie

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Finley, John

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Fisher, A.

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Fisher, Dorothy Canfield

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Fitzpatrick, Teresa S.

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Flexner, Abraham

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Forbes, Waldo

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Forster, E. M.

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Frankfurter, Felix

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Freeman, Douglas S.

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Freeman, Lewis

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Frisbie, Robert Dean

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Frost, Robert

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Fuess, Claude

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Galsworthy, John

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Garland, Hamlin

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Garnett, Edward

Carton 4SH 1AE8

George, Lloyd

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Gibbes, A. Hamilton

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Graham, Stephen

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Great Britain. Sovereigns. George V

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Grew, Joseph

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Grey, Viscount of Falladoon

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Griffin, Wilfred

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Guerard, Albert

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Guild, Curtis, Jr.

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Haggard, Henry Rider

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Haines, William Wister

Carton 4SH 1AE8

Haldane, Viscount

Hall, James Norman

Carton 5SH 117N Y

Correspondence, 1915-1931

Carton 5SH 117N Y

Correspondence, 1932-1939

Carton 6SH 117P -

Correspondence, 1940-1952

Carton 6SH 117P -

Correspondence, 1962-1963, microfilming of

Carton 6SH 117P -

Re: Bounty Collection, Phillips Exeter Academy

Carton 6SH 117P -

Comments, 1921-1942

Carton 6SH 117P -

Hamilton, Edith

Carton 6SH 117P -

Hand, Judge Learned

Carton 6SH 117P -

Harcourt, Alfred

Carton 6SH 117P -

Hardy, Thomas

Carton 6SH 117P -

Hart, B. H. Liddell

Carton 6SH 117P -

Hassam, Childe

Carton 6SH 117P -

Hawes, Charles Boardman

Carton 6SH 117P -

Hayes, Roland

Carton 6SH 117P -

Herbert, A. P.

Carton 6SH 117P -

Herrick, Myron T.

Carton 6SH 117P -

Herter, Christian A.

Carton 6SH 117P -

Heywood, DuBose

Carton 6SH 117P -

Higginson, Henry L.

Carton 6SH 117P -

Higginson, T. W.

Carton 6SH 117P -

Hillyer, Robert

Carton 6SH 117P -

Hilton, James

Hoagland, Hudson

Carton 6SH 117P -

Correspondence, 1924-1927

Carton 6SH 117P -

"Science and the Medium," 1924

Carton 6SH 117P -

Hobhouse, L. T.

Carton 6SH 117P -

Hodges, George

Carton 6SH 117P -

Holman, Alfred

Carton 6SH 117P -

Hoover, Herbert

Carton 6SH 117P -

Hopkins, Gerard

Carton 6SH 117P -

Hotson, Leslie

Carton 6SH 117P -

Houghton Mifflin Co.

Carton 6SH 117P -

House, Edward M.

Carton 6SH 117P -

Household, Geoffrey

Carton 6SH 117P -

Houseman, A. E.

Carton 6SH 117P -

Howard, E.

Carton 6SH 117P -

Howe, E. W.

Carton 6SH 117P -

Howe, Mark Anthony DeWolfe

Carton 6SH 117P -

Howells, William Dean

Carton 6SH 117P -

Hull, Cordell

Carton 6SH 117P -

Husland, Joseph

Carton 6SH 117P -

Huxley, Julian

Carton 6SH 117P -

Inge, W. R.

Carton 6SH 117P -

Jacks, L. P.

Carton 6SH 117P -

James, Henry

Carton 6SH 117P -

James, William

Carton 6SH 117P -

Jenkins, MacGregor "Mac"

Carton 6SH 117P -

Jewett, [Miles?]

Carton 6SH 117P -

Johnston, Mary

Carton 6SH 117P -

Kaneko, Baron K.

Carton 6SH 117P -

Kanton, Mackinlay

Carton 6SH 117P -

Keable, Robert

Carton 6SH 117P -

Keller, Helen

Carton 6SH 117P -

Kennedy, C. R.

Carton 6SH 117P -

Kenyon, L. R.

Carton 6SH 117P -

Key, Ellen

Carton 6SH 117P -

[Kimball, Richard B.?]

Carton 6SH 117P -

King, McKenzie

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Kinross, Albert

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Kipling, Rudyard

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Kittredge, George Lyman

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Knox, Frank

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Komatsu, Takashi

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Konoye, F.

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Koszue, Andre

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Krock, Arthur

Carton 7SH 117Q .

L., T. W.

Carton 7SH 117Q .

LaFarge, Christopher

Carton 7SH 117Q .

LaFarge, Oliver

Carton 7SH 117Q .

LaGallienne, Richard

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Lamont, Thomas

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Landon, Alf M.

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Landon, Walter Savage

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Lattimore, Owen and Eleanor

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Laughlin, Henry A.

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Lavin, Mary

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Leacock, Stephen

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Lewis, Edward

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Lewis, Sinclair

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Lewis, W. S.

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Lindsay, Nicholas Vachel

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Lippmann, Walter

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Lockwood, Sally

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Lodge, Henry Cabot, Sr.

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Lodge, Henry Cabot

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Lodge, Oliver

Carton 7SH 117Q .

London, Mr. and Mrs. Jack

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Lothian [Phillip Henry Kerr]

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Lowell, Abbott Lawrence

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Lowell, Amy

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Lucas, E. V.

Carton 7SH 117Q .


Carton 7SH 117Q .


Carton 7SH 117Q .

Lynd, Robert

Carton 7SH 117Q .

L[?], Charles W.

Carton 7SH 117Q .

M., E. J.

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Macauley, Rose

Carton 7SH 117Q .

MacKenzie, Jean K.

Carton 7SH 117Q .

McCord, David

Carton 7SH 117Q .

McFee, William

Carton 7SH 117Q .

McIntyre, Alfred R.

Carton 7SH 117Q .

MacLeish, Archibald

Carton 7SH 117Q .

[McReynolds, James Clark]

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Mansbridge, Albert

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Marie, Grand Duchess of Russia

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Mariett, Paul

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Marshall, Thomas R.

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Martin, Edward S.

Carton 7SH 117Q .

[Martinenzo?], E.

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Masefield, John

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Master, Edgar L.

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Maurice, F.

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Maurois, Andre

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Maxim, H.

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Mayo, Charles H.

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Merrick, Leonard

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Merriman, Roger B.

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Merton, Thomas James

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Meynell, Mrs. Wilfred T.

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Miller, Alice Doer

Carton 7SH 117Q .

Millis, Olga

Carton 8SH 117R

Mirman, Leon

Carton 8SH 117R

Mitchell, S. Weir

Carton 8SH 117R

Montague, C. E.

Carton 8SH 117R

Montague, Margaret Prescott

Carton 8SH 117R

Moore, Merrill

Carton 8SH 117R

Morgan, Edwin

Carton 8SH 117R

Morganthau, Henry

Carton 8SH 117R

Morison, Samuel Eliot

Carton 8SH 117R

Morlae, E.

Carton 8SH 117R

Morley, Christopher

Carton 8SH 117R

Morley, Felix

Carton 8SH 117R

Morley, Frank V.

Carton 8SH 117R

Morley, John

Carton 8SH 117R

Morse, Bernard

Carton 8SH 117R

Muir, John

Carton 8SH 117R

Munsterberg, Hugo

Carton 8SH 117R

Murchie, Guy, Jr.

Carton 8SH 117R

Murfree, Mary N.

Carton 8SH 117R

Murray, Gilbert

Carton 8SH 117R

Nash, Paul

Carton 8SH 117R

Nathan, Robert

Carton 8SH 117R

Nevinson, Henry

Carton 8SH 117R

Nicholson, Meredith

Carton 8SH 117R

Newbolt, Henry

Carton 8SH 117R

A. E. Newton Collection of Louis E. Kahn

Newton, A. Edward

Carton 8SH 117R

Correspondence, 1913-1923

Carton 9SH 117S $

Correspondence, 1924-1933

Carton 9SH 117S $

Correspondence, 1934-1940

Carton 9SH 117S $

Comments, 1920-1931

Carton 10SH 117T /

Comments, 1932-1940

Carton 10SH 117T /

Portion of ms. "Tourist in Spite"

Carton 10SH 117T /

Printed material

Newton, E. Swift (re: A. E. Newton)

Carton 10SH 117T /

Correspondence, 1940-1962

Carton 10SH 117T /


Carton 10SH 117T /

Niebuhr, Reinhold

Nock, Albert J.

Carton 10SH 117T /

Correspondence, 1914-1943

Carton 10SH 117T /

Comments, 1930-1936

Carton 10SH 117T /

Pro-German Inquiry Petition (ms.)

Carton 10SH 117T /

"Quest of the Missing Link" (ms.)

Carton 10SH 117T /

"Thoughts of Utopia" (ms.)

Carton 10SH 117T /

"Free Speech and..." (ms.)

Carton 10SH 117T /

"Imposter Terms" (ms.)

Carton 10SH 117T /

"Isaiah's Job" (ms.)

Carton 10SH 117T /

"A Letter from the Tropics" (ms.)

Carton 10SH 117T /

"Bright Isle" (ms.)

Carton 10SH 117T /

"The Oxometer" (ms.)

Carton 10SH 117T /

"A Little Conservative" (ms.)

Carton 10SH 117T /

"If Only--" (ms.)

Carton 10SH 117T /

Nock, Samuel A.

Carton 11SH 117U +

Nordhoff, Charles B.

Carton 11SH 117U +

Northcliffe, Viscount (Harmsworth, Alfred Charles William)

Carton 11SH 117U +

Norton, C. E.

Carton 11SH 117U +

Norton, Eliot

Carton 11SH 117U +

Norton, Richard

Carton 11SH 117U +

Noyes, Alfred

Carton 11SH 117U +

[N]oyen, V.

Carton 11SH 117U +

O'Connor, Frank

Carton 11SH 117U +

Oelwant, Alfred

Carton 11SH 117U +

O'Faolain, Sean

Carton 11SH 117U +

O'Malley, Mary

Carton 11SH 117U +

O'Neill, Eugene

Carton 11SH 117U +

Osland-Hill, Nora Waln

Carton 11SH 117U +

Page, Arthur

Carton 11SH 117U +

Page, Walter

Carton 11SH 117U +

Palmer, Frederick

Carton 11SH 117U +

Palmer, George Herbert

Carton 11SH 117U +

Peabody, Endicott

Carton 11SH 117U +

Pennell, Elizabeth R.

Carton 11SH 117U +

Pennell, Joseph

Carton 11SH 117U +

Perkins, Maxwell

Carton 11SH 117U +

Perry, Bliss

Carton 11SH 117U +

Perry, E.

Carton 11SH 117U +

Pershing, John

Carton 11SH 117U +


Carton 11SH 117U +

Phelps, William Lyon

Carton 11SH 117U +

Phillippe, Louis

Carton 11SH 117U +

Phillips, Stephen

Carton 11SH 117U +

Plunkett, Sir Horace

Carton 11SH 117U +

Post, Chandler R.

Carton 11SH 117U +

Pound, Arthur

Carton 11SH 117U +

Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur

Carton 11SH 117U +

Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan

Carton 11SH 117U +

Redfield, William C.

Carton 11SH 117U +

Redlich, Josef

Carton 11SH 117U +

Reinsch, Paul S.

Carton 11SH 117U +

Repplier, Agnes

Carton 11SH 117U +

Rhodes, James

Carton 11SH 117U +

Rich, Everett

Carton 11SH 117U +

Richard, Laura

Carton 11SH 117U +

Riis, Jacob A.

Carton 11SH 117U +

Ripley, William Z.

Carton 11SH 117U +

Ritchie, Anne

Carton 11SH 117U +

Roberts, Kenneth L.

Carton 11SH 117U +

Robertson, J. F.

Carton 11SH 117U +

Robinson, Edward Arlington

Carton 11SH 117U +

Rockefeller, John D., Jr.

Carton 11SH 117U +

Roosevelt, Eleanor

Carton 11SH 117U +

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano

Carton 11SH 117U +

Roosevelt, Theodore

Carton 11SH 117U +

Root, Elihu

Carton 11SH 117U +

Rose, Hilda

Carton 11SH 117U +

Royce, Josiah

Carton 11SH 117U +

Royden, A. Maude

Carton 11SH 117U +

Russell, Bertrand

Carton 11SH 117U +

Russell, George "A. E."

Carton 12SH 117V %

Saito, H.

Carton 12SH 117V %

Salmen, Stanley

Carton 12SH 117V %

Saltonstall, Leverett

Carton 12SH 117V %

Salvemini, Gaetano

Carton 12SH 117V %

Sandburg, Carl

Carton 12SH 117V %

Santayana, George

Carton 12SH 117V %

Sargent, C. S.

Carton 12SH 117V %

Saturday Club

Carton 12SH 117V %

Sauter, Viola and Rudolph

Carton 12SH 117V %

Scott, J. R.

Sedgwick, Ellery

Carton 12SH 117V %

Correspondence with professional staff

Carton 12SH 117V %

Miscellaneous correspondence

Carton 12SH 117V %

Miscellaneous notes

Carton 12SH 117V %

Shapley, Harlow

Carton 12SH 117V %

Sharp, Dallas Lore

Carton 12SH 117V %

Sharp, Margery

Carton 12SH 117V %

Shaw, B.

Carton 12SH 117V %

Sheean, Vincent

Carton 12SH 117V %

Sherman, Stuart

Carton 12SH 117V %

Sherwood, Robert

Carton 12SH 117V %

Shute, Henry A.

Carton 12SH 117V %

Sidebithaer, [H.?]

Carton 12SH 117V %

Siegfried, Andre

Carton 12SH 117V %

Simon, Andre L.

Carton 12SH 117V %

Sitwell, Osbert

Carton 12SH 117V %

Skinner, Otis

Carton 12SH 117V %

Smith, Alfred

Carton 12SH 117V %

Smith, Betty

Carton 12SH 117V %

Smith, Harrison W.

Carton 12SH 117V %

Smith, Logan Pearsall

Carton 12SH 117V %

Smith, J. C.

Carton 12SH 117V %


Carton 12SH 117V %

Sokolsky, George E.

Carton 12SH 117V %

Southern, Julia M.

Carton 12SH 117V %

Spencer, Theodore

Carton 12SH 117V %

Stettinius, Edward R., Jr.

Carton 12SH 117V %

Storey, Moorfield

Carton 12SH 117V %

Strachey, Lytton

Carton 12SH 117V %

Sullivan, Anne (Macy)

Carton 12SH 117V %

Sullivan, Mark

Carton 12SH 117V %

Sutherland, Lucy

Carton 12SH 117V %

Swing, Raymond

Carton 12SH 117V %

Swope, Herbert Bayard

Carton 12SH 117V %

Symons, Arthur

Carton 12SH 117V %

Taft, John B.

Carton 12SH 117V %

Taft, William H.

Carton 12SH 117V %

Tagore, Rabindranath

Carton 12SH 117V %

Takeda, H.

Carton 12SH 117V %

Tarkington, Booth

Carton 12SH 117V %

Taylor, Francis Henry

Carton 12SH 117V %

Taylor, Henry Osborn

Carton 12SH 117V %

Tennyson, Charles

Carton 12SH 117V %

Terhune, Albert Payson

Carton 12SH 117V %

Thayer, William R.

Carton 12SH 117V %

Thomas, Norman

Carton 12SH 117V %

Thompson, Dorothy (Mrs. Sinclair Lewis)

Carton 12SH 117V %

Thompson, Homer A.

Carton 12SH 117V %

Thompson, W. G.

Carton 12SH 117V %

Torrey, Bradford

Carton 12SH 117V %

Toynbee, Arnold J.

Carton 12SH 117V %

Trevelyan, George Macaulay

Carton 12SH 117V %

Tucker, W. J.

Carton 12SH 117V %


Carton 12SH 117V %

Tyrell, W.

Carton 12SH 117V %

Vail, T. N.

Carton 12SH 117V %


Carton 12SH 117V %

Van Doren, Carl and Irita

Carton 12SH 117V %

Van Horne, Sir William

Carton 12SH 117V %

VanderGoltz, Peggy

Carton 12SH 117V %

Wald, L. D.

Carton 12SH 117V %

Wallace, D.

Carton 12SH 117V %

Wallace, Henry A.

Carton 12SH 117V %

Wallas, Graham

Carton 12SH 117V %

Walpole, Hugh

Carton 12SH 117V %

[Warren, Mrs. Fiske]

Carton 12SH 117V %

Washington, Booker T.

Carton 12SH 117V %

Watterson, Henry

Carton 12SH 117V %

Webb, Mary

Carton 12SH 117V %

Webb, Sidney

Carton 12SH 117V %

Weeks, Edward

Carton 12SH 117V %

Wells, H. G.

Carton 12SH 117V %

Wendell, R.

Carton 12SH 117V %

West, Rebecca

Carton 12SH 117V %

Wharton, Edith

Carton 12SH 117V %

White, William Allen

Carton 12SH 117V %

Whitehead, Alfred North

Carton 12SH 117V %

Wilder, Thornton

Carton 12SH 117V %

Williams, Ben Ames

Carton 12SH 117V %

Williams, John Sharp

Carton 12SH 117V %

Williams, R.

Carton 12SH 117V %

Williamson, Henry

Carton 12SH 117V %

Wilkie, Wendell L.

Carton 12SH 117V %

Wilson, Robert Cade

Carton 12SH 117V %

Wilson, Woodrow

Carton 12SH 117V %

Wire, Mary Jerrine [Rupert]

Carton 12SH 117V %

Wister, Owen

Carton 12SH 117V %

Woodberry, G. E.

Carton 12SH 117V %

Woolf, Virginia

Carton 12SH 117V %

Woolcott, Alexander

Carton 12SH 117V %

Woolley, Robert W.

Carton 12SH 117V %

Zangwell, Israel

Carton 12SH 117V %

Zinsser, Hans

Carton 12SH 117V %

Unidentified items

II. Atlantic Monthly special subject files, 1915-1966

Arranged by subject.

This series contains four subseries related to significant incidents during Sedgwick's editorship at the Atlantic Monthly. Wilma Frances Minor and Opal Whiteley submitted unusual material for publication in the magazine, the former regarding love letters of Abraham Lincoln and the latter a childhood diary. Sedgwick supported their stories, despite the controversies they caused. Another controversy raised in the magazine was the Spanish Civil War. Sedgwick's politics and stories he submitted made the Atlantic a forum for debate on the merits of the war. This series also contains papers related to Alfred E. Smith's candidacy for nomination to the U.S. presidency.

Correspondents in this series are listed in the Select Correspondent Index and Select Institutional Affiliation Index below.

A. Wilma Frances Minor, 1928-1960

Arranged chronologically.

In 1928, Wilma Frances Minor, a television interviewer and writer from California, presented Sedgwick with the opportunity to publish the story of a love affair between Abraham Lincoln and Ann Rutledge, based on "original" love letters. Minor entrusted Sedgwick with the letters, from which she planned to write a book serialized in the Atlantic Monthly. Upon publication of the first installment, Lincoln experts questioned the authenticity of the letters. Work on the novel continued while Sedgwick contracted with California detective J. B. Armstrong to research the case. Teresa S. Fitzpatrick of the Atlantic Monthly staff was responsible for supervising the investigation. The letters were proven by experts to be forgeries, and in June 1929, Minor and her mother confessed to having created them. Minor claimed her mother was a psychic and that the spirits of Lincoln and Rutledge had urged her to make their story known.

This subseries is divided into three sections. Carton 13 contains Minor's correspondence with Sedgwick and his staff, as well as their correspondence with others regarding the authenticity of the letters. Sedgwick retained the forgeries, which are filed in Carton 13, along with drafts of Minor's manuscript. Correspondence and reports filed by Armstrong, the detective, and correspondence with Paul Angle, president of the Lincoln Centennial Association, are also located in Carton 13. Cartons 13 and 14 contain comments and inquiries about the story and Sedgwick's research on the letters.

Correspondents of note include Worthington Ford, Wayland A. Morrison, Ida Tarbell, Charles T. and William A. White. Also included is correspondence with representatives from Rumford Press and Little, Brown & Co. regarding publication of Minor's book.

Carton 13SH 117W 0[Box 32]

General correspondence, 1928-1929

Carton 13SH 117W 0[Box 32]

Misc. materials, misc. ms. notes

Carton 13SH 117W 0[Box 33]

Lincoln forgeries, manuscripts, clippings

Carton 13SH 117W 0[Box 34]

Detective's reports, comments, 1928-1929 (A-G)

Carton 14SH 117X 1[Box 35]

Comments, 1928-1929 (H-Z)-1960

B. Alfred E. Smith / Charles C. Marshall, 1926-1929

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries contains letters, newspaper clippings, and comments on an open-letter debate between Alfred E. Smith and Charles C. Marshall printed in the Atlantic Monthly in 1927. Included are six parts: general correspondence, Charles C. Marshall correspondence, Alfred E. Smith correspondence, miscellaneous, publicity, and comments.

Charles C. Marshall, a New York attorney, wrote to Smith in 1927 challenging Smith's candidacy as a Democratic nominee for president of the United States. Marshall charged that Smith, a Catholic, would have a conflict of interest which would impede his ability to fulfill the oath of office. Marshall's letter was printed by the Atlantic Monthly, which then became a forum for the controversy raised over a Roman Catholic running for president. Notable correspondents on this issue included Bernard M. Baruch, Felix Frankfurter, Edmund F. Gibbons (the Bishop of Albany), Christian A. Herter, Judge Joseph M. Proskauer, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Lillian D. Wald.

Carton 14SH 117X 1[Box 36]

Correspondence, 1926-1929

Carton 14SH 117X 1[Box 36]

Publicity materials; comments, 1927-1928

C. Spanish Civil War, 1938-1940

Arranged chronologically by subject.

This subseries consists of one carton of materials related to Sedgwick's interest in the Spanish Civil War, his trip to meet with General Francisco Franco in 1937, and articles written on the war. The correspondence is divided into seven parts, with separate files for Juan de Cardenas, the Spanish Consul; Winthrop Carter, whose son was missing in Spain in 1938; and the Marquis del Moral. Included is general correspondence and material related to trip arrangements. Comments about Sedgwick's politics and his articles were divided into pros and cons. Correspondents include J. Roscoe Drummond, John H. Finley, J. D. M. Ford, W. Cameron Forbes, John A. Gade, and Sumner Welles.

Carton 15SH 117Y 2[Box 37]

Correspondence, 1938-1940

Carton 15SH 117Y 2[Box 37]

Letters pro-ES articles,1938-1939

Carton 15SH 117Y 2[Box 37]

Pamphlets, clippings

D. Opal Whiteley, 1915-1966; bulk, 1918-1929

Arranged chronologically and by subject.

This subseries consists of material related to the publication of Opal Whiteley's book, The Story of Opal, which was serialized in the Atlantic Monthly from March to August 1920 and published later that year by G. P. Putnam's Sons. The story appealed to many people, but provoked questions about the diary's authenticity. Whiteley claimed to be the daughter of Prince Henri D'Orleans, allegedly raised by foster parents in an Oregon lumber camp. Belief in her story was widespread, and she was recognized by her late father's mother, the Duchess de Chartres. Whiteley adopted the family name, calling herself Francoise d'Orleans. She toured India as a princess of that country (where she had lived as a small child with her "real" parents) and was an honored guest of that country's noble families.

Sedgwick spent years corresponding with people who knew Whiteley to verify her story, but never renounced its authenticity. His most extensive correspondence was with Whiteley and Elbert Bede, publisher of Oregon's Cottage Grove Sentinel. Bede was his primary research associate on the project.

Sedgwick's correspondence with Whiteley, Bede, and others about Whiteley's unusual childhood is located in Carton 16. Cartons 16 and 17 contain comments from Atlantic Monthly readers. Other materials in Carton 17 include correspondence between Sedgwick and Barbara Ward of The Economist about a fund established to aid Whiteley, who spent her last years in a mental institution; correspondence with G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1920-1921; correspondence with lawyers of Vanity Fair in 1920; drafts of The Story of Opal; miscellaneous notes regarding the manuscript; notes on Whiteley's biography; and assorted printed materials, including newspaper clippings.

Carton 16SH 117Z 3[Box 39]

Correspondence, 1918-1945

Carton 16SH 117Z 3[Box 40]

Comments, 1920-1929

Carton 17SH 1857 N[Box 41]

Comments, 1930-1959

Carton 17SH 1857 N[Box 41]

Opal Whiteley Fund

Carton 17SH 1857 N[Box 41]

G. P. Putnam's Sons

Carton 17SH 1857 N[Box 41]

Vanity Fair, 1920

Carton 17SH 1857 N[Box 41]

Article, Cottage Grove Sentinel, 5 May 1915

Carton 17SH 1857 N[Box 41]

Meeting with Sir Edward Grey

Carton 17SH 1857 N[Box 41]

Miscellaneous materials

Carton 17SH 1857 N[Box 41]

Miscellaneous printed materials

Carton 17SH 1857 N[Box 41]

Miscellaneous biographical materials

Carton 17SH 1857 N[Box 41]

Corrections for manuscript, undated

Carton 17SH 1857 N[Box 41]

"The Story of Opal" (drafts)

Carton 17SH 1857 N[Box 41]

Materials regarding her story

Carton 17SH 1857 N[Box 41]


III. Personal files, 1881-1969

Arranged alphabetically by individual, institution, or subject.

This series contains personal correspondence of Ellery Sedgwick, primarily dating from his later years at the Atlantic Monthly (1930s) and the first decade of his retirement (1940s), documenting his interests and activities outside of the magazine. Because he established personal relationships with many professional associates, the distinction between personal and professional correspondence is blurred. Papers of individuals for whom there were Atlantic Monthly files were moved to that series, unless the letters were purely personal, in which case they are located here.

The bulk of the correspondence, filed in Cartons 17 and 18, relates to political, literary or personal issues. Sedgwick's professional advice on various topics was sought by many individuals. Also included is correspondence with colleagues regarding membership in various men's clubs. Among Sedgwick's correspondents regarding candidacy to the Century Association were Henry James, Pierre Jay, and Edward Forbes. Sedgwick's own candidacy to England's Athenaeum was supported by nominating letters from John Buchan, William Galsworthy, Elizabeth Haldane, Lord Dunsany, and Henry Newbolt. Sedgwick was also a member of Boston's Wednesday Evening Club.

The series also contains letters of Catharine Maria Sedgwick (1820s) and from C. F. Sedgwick (1879-1880), as well as subject files documenting Ellery Sedgwick's intervention on behalf of foreigners seeking assistance in leaving war-torn Europe. Included in the file "Czechoslovakia" are letters of introduction used by Sedgwick for a 1937 trip to that country, as well as correspondence regarding P. Dobias, a student who sought asylum in the U.S. in 1939. The Harding/Hanfstaengl file contains correspondence about the financial support of Egon Hanfstaengl, a German student at Harvard. Hanfstaengl, a distant cousin of Sedgwick's, was the son of Hitler supporter Ernst Hanfstaengl, who spent World War II incarcerated in various concentration camps in England and Canada.

Also included in this series is correspondence with gardeners, book dealers, wine and cigar dealers, and fund-raisers, as well as invitations to social events. None of these correspondents has been indexed. The series also contains condolences sent to Mrs. Sedgwick after Ellery Sedgwick's death in 1960. Letters of condolence from people for whom Atlantic Monthly files existed were moved to those files.

Carton 19 contains an assortment of materials, including essays written by Sedgwick about countries he visited, such as Greece, Portugal, Sicily, and Spain, as well as his handwritten journals (travel diaries) of trips to Japan and South America between 1918 and 1936. The diaries include addresses of contacts, daily activities, and impressions. These diaries formed the basis for articles Sedgwick later submitted to the Atlantic Monthly. Additional miscellaneous materials in Carton 19 include drafts of a manuscript history of the Field family of Stockbridge, Mass. and notes on word ciphers labeled "William Shakespeare."

Correspondents in this series are listed in the Select Correspondent Index and Select Institutional Affiliation Index below.

A. Correspondence

Carton 17SH 1857 N[Box 42]

Adams -- Fuller

Carton 18SH 1182 E[Box 43]

Garden Month-by-Month -- G. P. Putnam's Sons

Carton 18SH 1182 E[Box 44]

Rand -- Sedgwick

Carton 18SH 1182 E[Box 45]

Shattuck -- Y

Carton 19SH 1183 F[Box 46][Folder 1]


Carton 19SH 1183 F[Box 46][Folder 2]

Sedgwick, Ellery, "The American Conundrum"

Carton 19SH 1183 F[Box 46][Folder 3]

Greece, writings, 1951

Carton 19SH 1183 F[Box 46][Folder 4]

Miscellaneous notes

Carton 19SH 1183 F[Box 46][Folder 5-6]

Portugal, writings, undated, 1950-1954

Carton 19SH 1183 F[Box 46][Folder 7]

"The Provencal Adventures of the Aunts of Jesus"

Carton 19SH 1183 F[Box 46][Folder 8]


Carton 19SH 1183 F[Box 46][Folder 9]


Carton 19SH 1183 F[Box 46][Folder 10]

Japan journals, 1930

Carton 19SH 1183 F[Box 46][Folder 11-15]

South America journals, handwritten, typescript, 1923

Carton 19SH 1183 F[Box 46][Folder 16-18]

Travel diaries: 1918, 1934, Japan, 1936

Carton 19SH 1183 F[Box 46][Folder 19]

Miscellaneous notebooks

B. Miscellaneous personal files

Carton 19SH 1183 F[Box 47][Folder 1-2]

Field family

Carton 19SH 1183 F[Box 47][Folder 3]

William Shakespeare

IV. Professional affiliations, 1898-1959

Arranged by individual institution.

Sedgwick's professional life was not limited to literary associations. As an influential figure in Boston, he served on numerous boards. He was a trustee of the Groton School in Groton, Mass. and the Boston Public Library, as well as an overseer of Harvard University. His wife was appointed by Harvard's Board of Overseers to a special committee to oversee management of the Arnold Arboretum in Jamaica Plain, Mass. Ellery Sedgwick was also a part-owner and vice president of Rumford Press, which printed the Reader's Digest, among other publications. Also included in this series are files from his days as an associate editor at Youth's Companion.

Correspondents in this series are listed in the Select Correspondent Index and Select Institutional Affiliation Index below.

A. Arnold Arboretum, 1949-1959

This subseries includes correspondence, notes, reports, and committee resolutions, apparently kept by Marjorie Russell Sedgwick, who was appointed to the Committee to Visit the Arnold Arboretum by the Harvard Board of Overseers. The Arboretum, established in Jamaica Plain, Mass. in 1880 as a 500-acre park, became Harvard's botanical gardens. The park is administered by Harvard University and the Boston Department of Parks and Recreation.

Mrs. Sedgwick served during a tense period. In 1953, the corporation which had been founded to raise money for the arboretum challenged Harvard University for control. Included are letters from Mrs. Sedgwick and her husband, as well as "A Survey of the Controversy," by Professor Karl Sax.

Carton 19SH 1183 F[Box 48]

B. Boston Public Library, 1936-1942

Arranged by correspondent or subject.

This subseries documents Ellery Sedgwick's tenure as trustee of the Boston Public Library. Cartons 20 and 21 contain correspondence and library reports from Milton E. Lord, director of the library. Other significant correspondents include Frank W. Buxton; Wallace B. Donham, dean of the Harvard Business School; Cardinal William O'Connell; John J. Hall, Esquire; and Louis E. Kirstein of Filene's. The subseries also contains reports of the library's Examining Committee, comptroller's reports, budget estimates, personnel reports and staff exams, reports of the Board of Director's meetings, and accountants' reports from the estate of Josiah H. Benton, one of the library's benefactors.

Carton 20SH 1184 G[Box 49][Folder 1-2]

General correspondence, undated, 1938-1942

Carton 20SH 1184 G[Box 49][Folder 3-4]

Benton Bequest, undated, 1937-1941

Carton 20SH 1184 G[Box 49][Folder 5]

Boston Library Club

Carton 20SH 1184 G[Box 49][Folder 6]

Donham, Dean Wallace

Carton 20SH 1184 G[Box 49][Folder 7]


Carton 20SH 1184 G[Box 49][Folder 8]

Mayor of Boston

Carton 20SH 1184 G[Box 49][Folder 9-12]

Staff (A-R)

Carton 20SH 1184 G[Box 49][Folder 13-14]

Trustees, meetings, memoranda

Carton 20SH 1184 G[Box 49][Folder 15]

Buxton, Frank W.

Carton 20SH 1184 G[Box 49][Folder 16]

Hall, John L.

Carton 20SH 1184 G[Box 49][Folder 17]

Kirstein, Louis E.

Carton 20SH 1184 G[Box 49][Folder 18]

O'Connell, William, Cardinal

Papers concerning Milton E. Lord

Carton 20SH 1184 G[Box 50]

Undated, 1936-1938

Carton 21SH 1185 H[Box 51]


C. Harvard University, 1927-1944

This subseries contains correspondence and reports during Sedgwick's tenure on Harvard University's Board of Overseers and as a member of the Committee on the Classics. Sedgwick was also involved in the university's tercentenary celebration, the reunion of the Class of 1894, and the 1938 Nieman Fellowship awards. The bulk of the correspondence is with other members of the board and the Committee on the Classics, including Philip R. Allen, John Nicholas Brown, W. S. Ferguson, Jerome D. Green, Fred B. Lund, Lewis Perry, W. K. Richardson, George S. Stevenson, Winthrop H. Wade, James P. Warburg, and Charles Warren.

Carton 21 contains Board of Overseers records, general correspondence, and anniversary materials. Cartons 21 and 22 contain correspondence regarding classics at Harvard and class reunions. Carton 22 also contains fellowship awards papers and printed materials.

Carton 21SH 1185 H[Box 52][Folder 1-5]

General correspondence, 1937-1943

Carton 21SH 1185 H[Box 52][Folder 6]


Board of Overseers

Carton 21SH 1185 H[Box 52][Folder 7-21]


Carton 21SH 1185 H[Box 52][Folder 1-7]


Carton 21SH 1185 H[Box 53][Folder 8]

Class of 1894, 1944 Reunion

Committee on the Classics

Carton 22SH 1186 I[Box 54]


Carton 22SH 1186 I[Box 55][Folder 1-10]


Carton 22SH 1186 I[Box 55][Folder 11-13]

Nieman Fellowships, 1938

Carton 22SH 1186 I[Box 55][Folder 14-16]

Printed materials, 1936-1940

D. Rumford Press, 1933-1945

This subseries consists of correspondence, sales earnings reports, financial statements, and reports for stockholders for Rumford Press of New Hampshire. Sedgwick joined the board of directors in 1918 and was the company's first vice president. He became particularly active in the management of the company, which printed Reader's Digest and the Atlantic Monthly, after his retirement in 1939. Important topics of correspondence include the death of R. P. Weston, company president; the hiring of John G. Gerken as his replacement; and subsequent management problems. His primary correspondents were company presidents John G. Gerken and R. P. Weston and New Hampshire Senator George H. Moses.

Carton 22 contains chronological correspondence files for Gerken, Weston, and Moses. Carton 23 contains general correspondence, correspondence/financial statements, sales and earnings/balance sheets, and prospects (potential printing jobs). Carton 23 also contains correspondence and reports concerning stockholders.

Carton 22SH 1186 I[Box 56][Folder 1-6]

Gerken, John G., 1943-1945

Carton 22SH 1186 I[Box 56][Folder 7-12]

Moses, George H., 1943-1945

Carton 22SH 1186 I[Box 56][Folder 13-16]

Weston, R. P., 1942-1943

Carton 23SH 1187 J[Box 57][Folder 1]

General correspondence

Carton 23SH 1187 J[Box 57][Folder 2-6]

Correspondence/financial statements, 1936-1941

Carton 23SH 1187 J[Box 57][Folder 7-13]

Sales & earnings/balance sheets, 1937-1944

Carton 23SH 1187 J[Box 57][Folder 14-19]

Prospects, 1933-1939


Carton 23SH 1187 J[Box 58]


Carton 23SH 1187 J[Box 59]


E. Groton School, 1944

This subseries contains miscellaneous papers related to trustees and alumni of the Groton School of Groton, Mass., of which Sedgwick was both. He graduated from Groton in 1890, taught there from 1895-1896, and served as trustee from 1909 to 1940. This file contains correspondence from 1944 only. Correspondents include John Crocker and Pierre Jay.

Carton 24SH 1188 K[Box 60][Folder 1]

F. Youth's Companion, 1898-1900

This subseries consists of manuscripts submitted to Sedgwick as an assistant editor at the Youth's Companion, where he worked from 1896 to 1900. Correspondents include Eben C. Lamson and George S. Boutwell.

Carton 24SH 1188 K[Box 60][Folder 2-3]

V. Publications, 1946-1947

Arranged chronologically and alphabetically by correspondent.

This series contains materials related to the publication of Sedgwick's two books: The Happy Profession (1946) and Atlantic Harvest (1947). Papers concerning Sedgwick's autobiography, The Happy Profession, located in Carton 24, include the publication contract and correspondence from 1946 to 1948. Correspondence consists mainly of responses to The Happy Profession from people with whom Sedgwick had corresponded during his editorship. Included are letters from George Alger, Henry S. Canby, W. Cameron Forbes, E. M. Forster, Felix Frankfurter, James Norman Hall, Henry James, Thomas Lamont, William McFee, Margaret Prescott Montague, Leverett Saltonstall, and Edward A. Sumner.

Carton 24 also contains miscellaneous correspondence and notes for Atlantic Harvest, a compilation of Sedgwick's favorite articles printed in the Atlantic Monthly. Included are brief biographical sketches Sedgwick wrote about each author represented in his compilation.

Correspondents in this series are listed in the Select Correspondent Index and Select Institutional Affiliation Index below.

Carton 24SH 1188 K[Box 61][Folder 1]

Contract for The Happy Profession

Carton 24SH 1188 K[Box 61][Folder 2]

Unidentified letters

Carton 24SH 1188 K[Box 61][Folder 3-22]

Comments (A-Z)

Carton 24SH 1188 K[Box 62][Folder 1]

Atlantic Harvest, misc. correspondence and notes

Carton 24SH 1188 K[Box 62][Folder 2]

Introductory notes

Carton 24SH 1188 K[Box 62][Folder 3-8]

Notes (A-Z)

VI. Oversize papers

STORED ONSITE at Ms. N-854 (oversize).
OS Box

Scrapbook, 1946-1947

This scrapbook contains newspaper clippings about The Happy Profession (1946) and Atlantic Harvest (1947) from a wide variety of major American and English newspapers.

OS Box

Oversize materials

Included are newspaper clippings about Sedgwick's publications, oversized magazine articles and graphics, and galley proofs removed from the Atlantic Monthly general files.

VII. Photocopies

The final part of this collection consists of five boxes of photocopies (stored onsite) of some of the correspondence in the Atlantic Monthly general files. These photocopies were made prior to the integration of the Ellery Sedgwick papers in the spring of 1989. See the List of Photocopied Correspondence below.

Box 1-5

Select Correspondent Index

The following index contains select individuals who corresponded with Ellery Sedgwick, organized by name. See the Select Institutional Affiliation Index below for this information organized by affiliation. The names were taken from Series II-V of the collection and include individuals with whom Sedgwick exchanged a significant amount of correspondence or who had significant institutional affiliations. All members of the Sedgwick family are included. Individuals for whom files exist in Series I (Atlantic Monthly general files) are designated with an asterisk (*) after their names.

This index refers to box and folder numbers used prior to the transfer of the collection to record cartons for offsite storage. Users should refer to the carton and barcode numbers in the Detailed Description above for retrieval.

Name Institutional Affiliation Location(s)
Abbott, Katherine Boston Public Library 50.6
Adams, Charles Francis* 42.1
Adams, Samuel Hopkins 61.3
Agassiz, George R.* 52.8,9
Agassiz, Mabel 42.1
Albee, George 38 .1
Alden, John 53.8
Aldrich, William T. Boston Archdiocese 61.3
Alger, George W.* 42.13
Allen, Francis 61.3
Allen, Frederick Harper's Magazine 61.3
Allen, George 42.1
Allen, Philip R. Harvard University 42.1
55.2, 7
Allison, Gordon H. V. Allison and Co. 42.1
Alperin, Ralph 61.3
Angle, Paul Lincoln Centennial Association 34.9-11
Appleton, William Sumner SPNEA 42.2
Armstrong, J. B. 34.1-7
Ashburn, Frank Brooks School 42.2
Ashe, James 34.12
Aswell, Mary Lou (SEE Chamberlain, Mary Lou)
Atkinson, Henry R. Boston Public Library 49.9
Auchincloss, Hugh 61.3
Aydelotte, Frank 55.4
Bacon, Paul V. Allyn and Bacon 54.3
Badt, Kurt 42.4
Baker, G. Evert 39.8, 9
Bangs, Ruth Stockbridge Library 45.2
Barbour, Thomas* Wintersnight Club 45.10
Barker, Leslie 42.4
Barlow, Charles Lowell 61.4
Barr, Mark Athenaeum; Century Club 42.3, 4
Barrett, Oliver R. 34.13
Barton, William E. 32.8-10
Baruch, Bernard M.* 36.10
Bates, D. M. 61.4
Bates, Tia 42.4
Battenberg, M. H. Van H. 34.16
Baxter, James Phinney Williams College 42.4
Beach, Thomas, Sir William 42.5
Bede, Elbert* Cottage Grove Sentinel 39.5-35
Bell, Oliver L. Rumford Press 58.5, 6, 9
59.8, 12
Bennett, Katherine (Mrs. John) 42.5
Benson, John Howard 42.11
Best, Nolan R. 36.10
Bigelow, Albert F. 52.12
Bird, Charles Sumner 42.5
Blake, Harold H. 58.5-7, 9-10, 16
59.1-9, 13
Bolton, Charles K. 42.5
Bond, R. T. Dodd, Mead, and Co. 42.21
Boutwell, George S. 60.2
Bowra, C. M. 54.9
Boyden, Albert 42.6
Bradford, Edith Fiske 42.6
Bradley, Eleanor C. 44.25
Bridges, Styles U.S. Senator (N.H.) 44.25
Brown, John Nicholas Harvard University 54.5, 9-10, 19
55.6, 8
Brown, Kenneth 43.6
Brown, Philip 37.8-9
Bryan, John Stewart Richmond Newspapers, Inc. 42.9
Buchan, John* Athenaeum 42.3
Bullock, Chandler 53.8
Burke, W. F. Bureau of Internal Revenue 59.11
Burlingham, Charles C. 42.9
Burnett, Earle M. 42.9
Burr, Allston 42.9
54.3, 5
Buxton, F. W. Boston Herald; Boston Public Library 49.15-17
Cabot, Frederick P. 36.11
Cabot, Godfrey 48.5
Cabot, Henry B. 39.7-8, 19
Cabot, Philip 42.10
Cabot, Richard C.* 39.26, 29-30, 32
Cabot, Samuel General Thomas Club 37.10
Cabot, Stephen P. 42.10
Canby, Henry S.* 36.11
Canfield, Cass Century Association 42.12
Canfil, Lloyd E. 42.11
Cardinas, Juan F. de Spanish Consulate 37.1-2
Carey, Arthur Graham 42.11
Carlson, Frank U.S. Congress (KS) 57.1
Carson, Bishop Harry Roberts 42.11
Carter, John F. 43.5-6
Carter, Winthrop 37.3
Castle, W. R. 52.21
Chamberlain, Mary Lou (Mrs. Thomas Doremus; Mrs. Aswell) Atlantic Monthly staff 42.2, 13-14
Chase, Adele (Mrs. Lewis Chase) 42.15
Chase, George H. Harvard University 55.8
Cheever, David 61.5
Child, Henrietta 61.5
Choate, Mabel 42.15
Claflin, William H. 52.15
Claflin, Fanny Dwight Arnold Arboretum 48.2-3
Clark, Grenville 42.16
Clark, Henry C. 52.19
Clifford, Robert 42.16
Cloud, Dudley H.* 52.18
Cole, A. L. Reader's Digest 59.9-10
Conant, James B.* Harvard University 52.2, 4-5, 9, 13, 19, 21
53.1-5, 11
54.11, 15-16
Conklin, Edmund S. University of Oregon 39.5, 8
Connick, Charles 42.17
Constable, Giles 44.24
Constable, W. G. Museum of Fine Arts 42.17
Converse, Florence 42.17
Conway, Martin Athenaeum 42.3
Coolidge, Charles A. Wintersnight Club 45.10
Cram, Ralph W.* The Democrat 45.10
Crane, Charles H. 61.5
Crane, Charles R. 42.17
Crane, Clinton H. 53.8
Crocker, John 60.1
Crowninshield, Frank* 61.5
Cummings, Charles K. 48.5
Curley, James Michael* 36.24
Curtis, Charles P.* 42.18
Curtis, Edith Roelker 42.18
Curtis, Gladys M. 42.18
Curtis, Lionel 42.18
Cutler, Robert 42.18
Daniel Hawthorne Natural History Magazine 57.16-17
Davis, Fred W. Rumford Press 58.2, 5
59.7, 14
Davis, Lincoln 42.20
Davis, Orlando C. Boston Public Library 49.8-9
Denison, Pearl 42.20
Derby, Richard 42.20
Dix, John A. Trinity Church, New York City 42.20
Dixon, James P. 43.18
Dobias, P. 42.19
Dodd, Edward H., Jr. Dodd, Mead, and Co. 42.21
Dodge, Alice R. (Bowditch) 42.21
Dodge, Robert G. 48.6
Domincovich, H. A.* Flying Moose Lodge 42.21
Donham, Wallace B. Harvard Business School 49.6, 9
Donnelly, H. 42.21
Douglas, Lloyd* 61.6
Douglas, Peggy 42.21
Dow, Sterling 55.9-10
Drummond, J. Roscoe Christian Science Monitor 37.14
Duce, Angel 42.21
Dunsany, Lord* (Edward John Morton Drax Plunkett) Athenaeum 42.3
d'Utassey, George 59.3
Dwight, Margaret C. (Mrs. H. W.) Stockbridge Library 42.21
Dyer, Henry C. 53.8
Dyson, Edward 42.21
Eaton, Walter Pritchard 61.7
Edgell, G. Harold Museum of Fine Arts 42.22
Edwards, Raymond D. Rumford Press 58.2-5, 5-6, 8, 11-13
Ellery, William 42.22
Elliott, Ellen British Workshop 42.6
Embree, Edwin 42.22
Endicott, William C. 40.8
Fairbank, Mrs. Kellogg 42.23
Fales, DeCoursey 55.5
Farley, J. W. Arnold Arboretum 48.2-4
Fay, Charles Norman Harvard '69 42.23
Feather, William 42.23
Ferguson, W. S. Harvard University 52.19
Ferry, Ronald M. Harvard University 42.23
Field, Henriette (Mrs. Edwin T. Rice) Harvard University 42.23
Finley, John H.* New York Times 42.23
Finley, John H., Jr. 52.3, 18
13, 16-19
55.1-4, 6-7, 9-10
Fitz, Reginald 52.3, 13
53.2, 5
Fitzpatrick, Teresa S.* 32.12
Flanders, Ralph E. U.S. Senate (VT) 42.23
Foerster, Dr. F. W. 42.24
Forbes, Allan United War Fund 42.24
Forbes, Allyn K. Massachusetts Historical Society 42.24
Forbes, Amelia 42.24
Forbes, Edward W. Century Association; Fogg Museum of Art 42.1, 12, 24
Forbes, Miss Hoima 42.24
Forbes, Murray 61.8
Forbes, W. Cameron 37.9, 11, 14
Forbes, W. Stuart Rumford Press 42.25
Ford, J. D. M. 37.13-14, 16
Ford, Worthington 34.24
Forster, E. M.* 61.8
Foster, Sara E. New York Herald Tribune 61.8
Frankfurter, Felix* 36.13, 25
Frothingham, Robert 42.26
Fry, Margery (Mrs. Davis E. Burr) 42.26
Fukumoto, Fukuichi 42.26
Gade, John A. 37.18-19
Gallien, A. Gurnee Groton School 58.9
Galsworthy, John* 61.9
Galsworthy, William Athenaeum 42.3
Gardiner, Robert Hallowell 43.1
Gardner, G. Peabody, Jr. 52.15
Gerken, John G. Rumford Press 56.1-6
Gerte, Albert 43.1
Gibbons, Bishop Edmund F. 36.14
Gifford, Mrs. Augustus 43.2
Gildea, Miss W. B. 43.2
Goodman, H. Nelson Goodman-Walker Fine Arts 43.2
Green Robert M. 54.7
Greene, E. B. 43.3
Greene, Henry Copley 36.25
Greene, Jerome D. Century Association 42.12
52.2, 8, 12-16, 18-19
54.3-4, 12, 16
55.1, 11-13
Greene, Warren Rumford Press 58.1
59.4, 7
Greenslet, Ferris Houghton Mifflin 39.12
Gregory, Ernst Rumford Press 57.15-17
58.2-3, 9-11, 13, 16
59.1, 3-5, 7-8, 10-11
Grey, Hm. 44.25
Groot, Roy de 42.20
Grouitch, Mabel S. 61.9
Guerrier, Edith Massachusetts Library Association 49.9
Hackett, Francis 43.4
Haldane, Elizabeth Athenaeum 42.3
Hale, Worth Harvard Medical School 43.1
Hall, James Norman* 61.10
Hall, John L. Boston Public Library 43.4
Hambuechen, J. W. 54.8
Hamlen, E. P. 43.4
Hammond, Mason 43.4
55.2, 8-9
Hanc, Josef Czechoslovakian Consul 42.19
Hand, Augustus N. 54.13
Hand, Learned* 52.8
Hanfstaengl, Egon H. 43.6
Hanfstaengl, Ernst 43.5-6
Haraszti, Zoltan Boston Public Library 49.10
Hard, William 43.4
Harding, Francis A. 43.5-6
Harris, John G. 55.10
Hart, Merwin K. 37.10-12
Haskell, H. J. 43.7
Hatch, Francis Whiting 43.7
Hawthorne, John 43.7
Hawthorne, John J. 55.3, 8
Hay, Logan Lincoln Centennial Association 34.11
Hayward, Nathan 52.7
Heeley, Allan V. Lawrenceville School 42.1
Hemenway, Harriett L. 61.10
Henderson, Gerald Republican Finance Committee 43.7
Hendrick, Burton J. 61.10
Hensley, Richard G. Boston Public Library 43.7
Herter, Christian A.* 36.16, 25
Higginson, F. L. (Peter) 43.7
Higginson, F. W. 43.7
Hill, Edwin C. CBS 41.5
Hodapp, William C. Indiana University 57.19
Hodgman, Burns P. Rumford Press 57.2, 15-17, 19
Hofer, Philip Harvard University 43.8
Hoffman, Paul 43.8
Holmes, Henry W. 52.2, 10, 11
Hopkins, Ernest M. Dartmouth College 59.16
Hopkinson, Charles 61.10
Household, Geoffrey* 61.10
Howe, Mark A. DeWolfe* Atlantic Monthly staff 35.2
Howe, Quincy 43.8
Howe, Wallis E. 61.10
Howe, William Scott 43.8
Hudec, Karel 42.19
Hume, Alison Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer 43.8
Huntington, James 43.8
Jackman, J. R. Rumford Press 58.1, 15-16
59.1-6, 9-10, 13-16
Jackson, C. N. 54.4-8, 10-19
Jackson, Charles 61.11
Jackson, William A. 53.8
Jaeger, Werner 55.2, 3, 8
James, Alice 61.11
James, Frederika 44.25
James, Henry* Century Association 42.12
James, William* 61.11
Jaros, Ernest S. 43.9
Jay, N. D. 43.3
Jay, Pierre Century Association 42.12
Jenkins, Herbert L. Little, Brown and Co. 35.5
Jerreld, William J. 59.4
Johnson, Alvin 42.9
Johnson, Owen 36.26
Johnson, Walter 43.9
Judkins, Esther 43.9
Kabayama, Ayske Japanese Consulate General 43.10
Kawakami, K. K. 43.10
Keller, Carl T. 43.11
Kellogg, Frederic B. 43.11
Kelly, John Eoghan 37.11-12
Kenney, James W. Boston Public Library 49.12
Kent, H. W. 44.5
Kerr, Chester Office of War Information 43.11
Kimball, Fiske Philadelphia Museum of Art 43.11
King, William MacKenzie 61.14
Kirstein, Louis E. Boston Public Library; Filene's Sons Co. 42.23
Kittredge, G. L. 55.3
Krock, Arthur* New York Times 61.12
Kroda, Kiyoshi 43.11
Krumbhaar, E. B. 43.11
Kudner, Arthur 59.3, 4
Kuhn-Leitz, Elsie 43.11
Lally, Joseph M. 44.25
Lamont, Thomas* 52.5
Lamson, Eben C. 60.2
Lane, Robert E. 52.2
Langley, James M. Concord Daily Monitor 58.2, 9
Lee, George C. 61.12
Lee, Joseph 36.17
Lewis, John E. Rumford Press 58.2, 3
Lewis, Marvin McCord Reader's Digest 58.2
Lewis, Wilmarth Sheldon "Lefty" 43.12
Lewisohn, Sam A. 43.12
Lippmann, Walter* New York Herald Tribune 52.19
55.11, 12
Littell, Robert Century Association 42.12
Livingstone, Sir Richard Corpus Christi College, Oxford 43.13
54.9, 18
Lockwood, John 44.24
Lockwood, Mrs. John E.; "Netta" (Henrietta Sedgwick) 43.13
Lockwood, Sally 43.13
Lord, Milton E. Boston Public Library 49.8-9,14
Lord, Robert H. 51.5-6
Loring, Charles G. 43.13
Lowes, Marvin McCord Reader's Digest 43.13
Luce, Stephen B. 54.5, 6, 18
Lund, Fred B. Harvard University 54.6, 10
55.1, 2
Lyman, Theodore Wintersnight Club 45.10
Lyon, Cecil 61.13
Lyon, G. American Embassy, Chile 43.13
MacGregor, Charles D. 59.6
Mack, Julian W. 52.8
MacMillan, William 43.14
Makewell, Lee W. Youth Today 58.7
Marquand, Christine 43.14
Marquand, John 44.24
Marsters, A. A. "Buzz" 61.14
Martin, Edward S.* 40.14
Martin, George W. 54.13
Marvin, Langdon P. 53.5
Mathews, William R. Arizona Daily Star 43.16
Maurice, Sir Frederick 43.17
Mayer, A. Hyatt Metropolitan Museum of Art 43.17
McAloney, S. Holt Story 57.19
McCord, David 52.2
McCormick, Ada Letter from America 43.17
McFee, William* 61.14
McIntyre, Alfred R. Little, Brown and Co. 32.13
McNamara, John F. House Beautiful 32.5
McSweeney, Edward 59.4, 5
Meiklejohn, Peter Boston City Hospital 42.5
Mencken, Henry L. 61.15
Merriman, Roger B.* 52.10
Merryweather, George 43.17
Merz, Charles Century Association 42.12
Metaxa, Countess Ina 43.17
Metcalf, K. D. Harvard University 52.3, 5
Minor, Wilma Frances 32.1-16
Minot, James 43.18
44. 24
Montague, Gilbert H. 43.18
Montague, Margaret Prescott* 61.15
Moore, Charles 52.3
Moral, Marquis del 37.4-5, 14
Morgan, Arthur 43.18
Morgan, Henry S. 43.18
Morrison, Wayland A. 35.8
Morton, J. M. 52.9
Moses, George H. Rumford Press; U.S. Senator (NH) 56.7-12
58.1-2, 4-12, 16
Murchic, Guy 61.15
Murray, Mary Athenaeum 42.3
Neill, Esther W. (Mrs. Charles P.) 61.16
Newbolt, Henry* Athenaeum 42.3
Newton, Caroline 43.19
Newton, E. Swift 62.7
Niemeyer, Helen 43.6
Nock, Arthur 55.10
Nordhoff, Charles* 61.22
O'Brien, Robert 43.19
O'Connell, William (Cardinal) Boston Archdiocese 49.20
Ogilby, R. B. Trinity College 54.14
Osland-Hill, Nora Waln 42.19
Owen-Porter, Marion 43.19
Owens, Olga Boston Sunday Post 61.17
Page, Arthur 61.18
Paine, Richard C. Century Association 42.12
Paine, Robert Treat II 43.20
Palmer, Paul Reader's Digest 61.18
Palmer, Walter W. Century Association 42.12
Park, Charles F. First Church in Boston 43.21
Parkhurst, Lewis 43.21
Parkman, Francis St. Mark's School 43.21
Parkman, Henry, Jr. Boston Public Library 49.8
Patterson, G. A. Rumford Press 35.16
Patterson, Mary Bonner 43.22
Peabody, Elizabeth R. Groton School 61.18
Peabody, Endicott* 43.22
Peabody, N.J. Atlantic Publications 32.6, 8, 11, 14
34.3, 4
Peabody, W. Rodman 55.3
Peare, R. S. 58.10
Pearson, Thomas 61.18
Pease, Arthur Stanley 54.7-8
55.2, 8
Peattie, Roderick 43.23
Penick, Margaret H. D. 43.23
Perkins, John F. 43.23
Ferry, Bliss* 43.23
Ferry, James deW. 52.10
Perry, Lewis Phillips Exeter Academy 43.24
54.5, 10, 17
55.2, 8
Petchey, Arthur J. Wednesday Evening Club 45.8
Peterson, Carl C. 36.19
Phillips, Caroline 43.24
Phillips, William 43.24
Pier, Arthur S. Saint Paul's School 43.24
Pierce, Evelyn 43.25
Plunkett, Edward John Moreton Drax (SEE Dunsany, Lord)
Polk, Frank L. 43.25
Pound, Arthur 61.18
Prescott, Kate H. (Mrs. William H.) 61.18
Price, Lucien Boston Globe 43.25
Pringle, Henry F. 43.6
Proskauer, Joseph M. 36.19, 27
Prouty, Lewis I. 43.25
Purvis, Donn Deputy of State, Washington 61.18
Pusey, Nathan 43.25
Putnam, George Haven Athenaeum 42.3
Rand, E. Ken Harvard University 44.1
52.2, 5, 9, 18
54 .3, 5-9, 11,16-19
55.1-4, 6-9
Ratcliffe, S. K. 61.19
Read, Herbert 44.1
Reilly, Walter S. Atlantic Publications 32.14, 15
Richards, Dorothea (Mrs. Ivor) 44.25
Richards, Henry H. 61.19
Richards, Ivor A. Harvard University 44.2-4, 25
Richardson, W. K. Harvard University 44.5
54.6, 10, 13, 15, 17
55.1, 2, 5, 8
Rogers, Alan S. 44.25
Roosevelt, Franklin D.* 36.20
Rorimer, James J. Metropolitan Museum of Art 44.5, 24
Rossitor, W. S. Rumford Press 35.16
Rublee, George 44.3
61 .19
Rublee, Juliet Barrett 44.5
Rublee, Mary Lowell (Mrs. George) 40.17
Rundlet, Charles T. Rumford Press 58.1, 3, 6-11, 16
59.3, 5, 11
Russell, Elizabeth 44.24
Russell, Pamela 44.6-9A
Ryan, James H. Catholic University 36.20
Sachs, Paul J. Fogg Art Museum 52.11
Sagendorph, Robb Yankee 57.19
Saltonstall, Leverett 52.3, 20
Sarton, George 44.10
Sarton, May 44.10, 24
Scaife, Roger L. Little, Brown and Co. 44.11
Sedgwick, Alexander C. "Shan" 44.13, 24, 25
Sedgwick, C. F. 44.14
Sedgwick, Cabot 44.15
Sedgwick, Catharine Maria 44.16
Sedgwick, Ellery 44.17-19
Sedgwick, H. D. 61.20
Sedgwick, Harold 61.20
Sedgwick, Helen (Mrs. R. Minturn) 61.20
Sedgwick, Henrietta "Net" 44.20, 25
Sedgwick, Henry D. 44.21
Sedgwick, Hubert M. 44.23
Sedgwick, Marjorie 44.24
Sedgwick, R. Minturn 44.26
Sedgwick, Sally (Mrs. W. Ellery) 44.27
Sedgwick, Theodore 44.28
Sedgwick, Theodore, Jr. 61.20
Sedgwick, W. Ellery 44.29
Sedgwick, William Ellery 44.30
Shattuck, George C. 45.1
Shaw, G. Howland Century Association 42.12
Shaw, Thomas S. 45.1
Sheldon, William 44.24
Shepard, Brooks 61.20
Shurcliff, Margaret H. (Mrs. Arthur) Boston Public Library 51.18
Simpson, Gordon 32.15
34.2, 7
Smith, Glanville 61.21
Snyder, D. B. Atlantic Publications 45.1
Sprague, Albert A. 52.11
Sprague, Oliver 53.8
Stearns, Foster House of Representatives (NH) 59.2-3, 10, 12-13
Steed, William Athenaeum 42.3
Stevenson, George S. Harvard University 45.2
54.11, 17
55.2, 8
Stokes, Anson Phelps 36.21
Stone, Marshall H. 52.20
Stratton, Samuel S. Middlebury College 61.21
Strong, F. R. Rumford Press 57.15, 16
58.2, 3, 11
Strong, Mrs. Nelson Edward 61.21
Sullivan, Mark* 36.21
Sumner, Edward A. 45.2, 3
Sureto, Henry C. Century Association 42.12
Swan, Joseph R. 45.3
Swope, Gerard 61.21
Takaishi, Shingoro Japanese Embassy 45.4
Takase, Tsuto Japan Board of Tourist Industry 45.4
Tarbell, Ida 35.20
Thoby-Marcelin, Philippe 45.5
Tomita, Kojiro Museum of Fine Arts 45.5
Tremaine, Morris S. New York State Comptroller 36.18
Trevelyan, S. M. Athenaeum 42.3
Udal, N. R. Athenaeum 42.3
Urrutia, Fernando 37.10
Van Doren, Irita New York Herald Tribune 43.7
Verduin, Arnold R. 42.19
Wade, Winthrop Harvard University 52.8-10, 12, 13
54 .3
Wadsworth, Eliot Boston Public Library 50.10
Wald, Lillian D.* 36.1
Walker, Roosevelt 45.6
Wallace, Dewitt Reader's Digest 45.6
Walsh, Mary R. 45.6
Wand, Lady Jean 44.25
Warburg, James P. Harvard University 54.11, 15, 17
55.1, 2, 5, 8
Ward, Barbara The Economist 41.24
Warren, Charles Harvard University 52.2, 3, 11, 12, 16
Warren, Joseph 45.6
Washburn, Brad 44.24
Washburn, Henry B. 44.25
Washburn, Reginald Rumford Press 53.8
Washburn, Robert 45.7
Wayman, Dorothy F. 45.7
Webb, Van 45.7
Weeks, Edward A. 32.4
Weeks, Edward A. 48.2, 3
Welch, Mrs. Richard E. 44.25
Welles, Sumner 37.13
Westcott, Marian 43.2
Weston, R. P. Rumford Press 56.13-16
58.2-4, 6-16
Whatmough, Joshua 55.9
Wheeler, John N. 37.13, 14
Whicher, George F. 45.9
White, Eva W. 49.8
White, William A. Emporia Gazette 35.27
White, William L. Gazette 61.23
Whittemore, Lawrence F. Boston and Maine RR 59.11-12, 16
Whittemore, Louis 45.9
Whittier, John M. 52.2
Wigglesworth, Richard B. 45.5
Williams, Lewis B. 43.4
Williams, Sydney M. Harvard University 52.1-3
Wilson, Kenneth Reader's Digest 61.23
Wilson, Robert Cade 58.9
Windolph, F. Lyman 45.9
Wolcott, Oliver 48.1, 5
Walcott, Samuel H. 52.11
Woodworth, Herbert G. 54.5, 10
Wortham, H. E. Athenaeum 45.12
Wyzanski, Charles E., Jr. 44.24
Yamaguchi, H. S. K. 45.12
Yardley, Arthur W. 59.2, 4, 10, 12-13
Zuber, Osborn 55.18

Select Institutional Affiliation Index

The following index contains select individuals who corresponded with Ellery Sedgwick, organized by institutional affiliation. See the Select Correspondent Index above for this information organized by name. The names were taken from Series II-V of the collection and include individuals with whom Sedgwick exchanged a significant amount of correspondence or who had significant institutional affiliations. All members of the Sedgwick family are included. Individuals for whom files exist in Series I (Atlantic Monthly general files) are designated with an asterisk (*) after their names.

This index refers to box and folder numbers used prior to the transfer of the collection to record cartons for offsite storage. Users should refer to the carton and barcode numbers in the Detailed Description above for retrieval.

Institutional Affiliation Name Location(s)
Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. 43.11
Allyn and Bacon Bacon, Paul V. 54.3
American Embassy, Chile Lyon, G. 43.13
American Library in Paris (SEE Sumner, Edward A.)
Arizona Daily Star Mathews, Williams R. 43.16
Arnold Arboretum Clark, Fanny Dwight (Mrs. Grenville Clark) 48.2, 3
Farley, J. W. 48.2-4
Athenaeum 42.3
Barr, Mark 42.3-4
Buchan, John* 42.3
Conway, Martin 42.3
Dunsany, Lord* (Edward John Moeton Drax Plunkett) 42.3
Galsworthy, William 42.3
Haldane, Elizabeth 42.3
Murray, Mary 42.3
Newbolt, Henry* 42.3
Putnam, George Haven 42.3
Steed, William 42.3
Trevelyan, S. M. 42.3
Udal, N. R. 42.3
Wortham, H. E. 45.12
Atlantic Monthly staff Chamberlain, Mary Lou (Mrs. Thomas Doremus; Mrs. Aswell) 42.2, 13-14
Howe, Mark A. DeWolfe* 35.2
Atlantic Publications Peabody, N. J. 32.6, 8, 11, 14
Reilly, Walter S. 32.14-15
Snyder, D. B. 45.1
Boston and Maine Railroad Whittemore, Lawrence F. 59.11-12, 16
Boston Archdiocese Aldrich, William T. 61.3
O'Connell, William (Cardinal) 49.20
Boston City Hospital Meiklejohn, Peter 42.5
Boston Globe Price, Lucien 43.25
Boston Herald Buxton, F. W. 49.15-17
Boston Public Library Abbott, Katharine 50.6
Atkinson, Henry R. 49.9
Buxton, F. W. 49.15-17
Davis, Orlando C. 49.8-9
Hall, John L. 43.4
Haraszti, Zoltan 49.10
Hensley, Richard G. 437
Kenney, James W. 49.12
Kirstein, Louis E. 42.23
Lord, Milton E. 49.8-9, 14
Parkman, Henry, Jr. 49.8
Shurcliff, Margaret H. (Mrs. Arthur) 51.15
Wadsworth, Eliot 50.10
Boston Sunday Post Owens, Olga 61.17
British Broadcasting Corporation 42.6
British Workshop 42.6
Elliott, Ellen 42.6
Brooks School Ashburn, Frank 42.2
Brown Brother and Co. (stockbroker) 42.7-8
Bureau of Internal Revenue Burke, W. F. 59.11
Catholic University Ryan, James H. 36.20
CBS Hill, Edwin C. 41.5
Century Association 42.12
Barr, Mark 42.3-4
Canfield, Cass 42.12
Forbes, Edward W. 42.1, 12, 24
Greene, Jerome D. 42.12
52.2, 8, 12-16, 18-19
54.3-4, 12, 16
55.1, 11-13
James, Henry* 42.12
Jay, Pierre 42.12
Littell, Robert 42.12
Merz, Charles 42.12
Paine, Richard C. 42.12
Palmer, Walter W. 42.12
Shaw, G. Howland 42.12
Sureto, Henry C. 42.12
Christian Science Monitor Drummond, J. Roscoe 37.14
Concord Daily Monitor Langley, James M. 58.2, 9
Corpus Christi College, Oxford Livingstone, Sir Richard 43.13
54.9, 18
Cottage Grove Sentinel Bede, Elbert* 39.5-35
Czechoslovakian Consul Hanc, Josef 42.19
Dartmouth College Hopkins, Ernest M. 59.16
Democrat, The Cram, Ralph W.* 40.6
Deputy of State, Washington Purvis, Donn 61.18
Dodd, Mead and Co. Bond, R. T. 42.21
Dodd, Edward H., Jr. 42.21
Doubleday (SEE Theodore Sedgwick) 42.21
Economist, The Ward, Barbara 41.24
Emporia Gazette White, William A. 35.27
Filene's Sons Co. (SEE Kirstein, Louis E.)
First Church in Boston Park, Charles E. 43.21
Flying Moose Lodge Domincovich, H. A.* 42.21
Fogg Art Museum Sachs, Paul J. 52.11
Fogg Museum of Art Forbes, Edward W. 42.1, 12, 24
Forever Amber 42.26
Forness and Morgan 42.26
Garden Month by Month 43.1
Gazette White, William L. 61.23
General Thomas Club Cabot, Samuel 37.10
Goodman-Walker Fine Arts Goodman, H. Nelson 43.2
Groton School Gallien, A. Gurnee 58.9
Peabody, Elizabeth R. 61.18
H. V. Allison and Co. Allison, Gordon 42.1
Harper and Brothers Publishers 35.1
Harper's Magazine Allen, Frederick 61.3
Harvard '69 Fay, Charles Norman 42.23
Harvard Business School Donham, Wallace B. 49.6, 9
Harvard Medical School Hale, Worth 43.1
Harvard University Allen, Philip R. 42.1
55.2, 7
Brown, John Nicholas 54.5, 9-10, 19
55.6, 8
Chase, George H. 55.8
Conant, James B.* 52.2, 4-5, 9, 13, 19, 21
53.1-6, 11
54.11, 15-16
Ferguson, W. S. 52.19
Ferry, Ronald M. 42.23
Hofer, Philip 43.8
Lund, Fred B. 54.6, 10
Metcalf, K. D. 52.3, 5
Rand, E. Ken 44.1
52.2, 5, 9, 18
53.1, 6, 8
54.3, 5-9, 11, 16-19
55.1-4, 6-9
Richards, Ivor A. 44.2-4, 25
Richardson, W. K. 44.5
54.6, 10, 13, 15, 17
55.1-2, 5, 8
Stevenson, George S. 45.2
54.11, 17
55.2, 8
Wade, Winthrop 52.8-10, 12-13
Warburg, James P. 54.11, 15, 17
55.1-2, 5, 8
Warren, Charles 52.2-3, 11-12, 16
Williams, Sydney M. 52.1-3
Houghton Mifflin Greenslet, Ferris 39.12
House Beautiful McNamara, John F. 32.5
House of Representatives (N.H.) Stearns, Foster 59.2-3, 10, 12-13
Indiana University Hodapp, William C. 57.19
Japan Board of Tourist Industry Takase, Tsuto 45.4
Japan Institute 43.9
Japanese Consulate General Kabayama, Ayske 43.10
Japanese Embassy Takaishi, Shingoro 45.4
Lawrenceville School Heeley, Allen V. 42.1
Letter from America McCormick, Ada 43.17
Lincoln Centennial Association Angle, Paul 34.9-11
Hay, Logan 34.11
Little, Brown and Co. 35.5
Jenkins, Herbert L. 35.5
McIntyre, Alfred R. 32.13
Scaife, Roger L. 44.11
MacMillan Co. of Canada 42.6
Massachusetts Historical Society Forbes, Allyn K. 42.24
Massachusetts Library Association Guerrier, Edith 49.9
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Hume, Allison 43.8
Metropolitan Museum of Art Mayer, A. Hyatt 43.17
Rorimer, James J. 44.5, 24
Middlebury College Stratton, Samuel S. 61.21
Museum of Fine Arts Constable, W. G. 42.17
Edgell, G. Harold 42.22
Tomita, Kojiro 45.5
Natural History Magazine Daniel, Hawthorne 57.16-17
New York State Comptroller Tremaine, Morris S. 36.18
New York Times Finley, John H.* 37.13-14
Krock, Arthur* 61.12
Nieman Foundation for Journalism 43.19
New York Herald Tribune Foster, Sara E. 52.11
Lippmann, Walter* 52.19
Van Doren, Irita 43.7
Office of War Information Kerr, Chester 43.11
Philadelphia Museum of Art Kimball, Fiske 43.11
Phillips Exeter Academy Perry, Lewis 43.24
54.5, 10, 17
55.2, 8
Reader's Digest Cole, A. L. 59.9-10
Lewis, Marvin McCord 58.2
Lowes, Marvin McCord 43.13
Palmer, Paul 61.18
Wallace, Dewitt 45.6
Wilson, Kenneth 61.23
Republican Finance Committee Henderson, Gerald 43.7
Richmond Newspapers, Inc. Bryan, John Stewart 42.9
Royal Institute of International Affairs Curtis, Lionel 42.18
Rumford Press Bell, Oliver L. 58.5-6, 9
59.8, 12
Davis, Fred W. 58.2, 5
59.7, 14
Edwards, Raymond D. 58.2-3, 5-6, 8, 11-13
Forbes, W. Stuart 42.25
Gerken, John G. 56.1-6
Greene, Warren 58.1
59.4, 7
Gregory, Ernst 57.15-17
58.2-3, 9-11, 13, 16
59.1, 3-5, 7-8, 10-11
Hodgman, Burns P. 57.52, 15-17, 19
Jackman, J. R. 58.1, 15-16
59.1-6, 9-10, 13-16
Lewis, John E. 58.2-3
Moses, George H. 56.7-12
58.1-2, 4-12, 16
Patterson, G. A. 35.16
Rossitor, W. S. 35.16
Rundlet, Charles T. 58.1, 3, 6-11, 16
59.3, 5, 11
Strong, F. R. 57.15-16
58.2-3, 11
Washburn, Reginald 53.8
Weston, R. P. 56.13-16
58.2-4, 6-16
Saint Paul's School Pier, Arthur S. 43.24
Spanish Consulate Cardinas, Juan F. de 37.1-2
SPNEA Appleton, William Sumner 42.2
St. Mark's School Parkman, Francis 43.21
Stockbridge Library Bangs, Ruth 45.2
Dwight, Margaret C. (Mrs. H. W.) 42.21
Story McAloney, S. Holt 57.19
Trinity Church, NYC Dix, John A. 42.20
Trinity College Ogilby, R. B. 54.14
U.S. Congress (KS) Carlson, Frank 57.1
U.S. Congress (NH) Bridges, Styles 57.1
Moses, George R. 56.7-12
58.1-2, 4-12, 16
U.S. Senate (VT) Flanders, Ralph E. 42.23
United War Fund Forbes, Allan 42.24
University of Oregon Conklin, Edmund S. 39.5, 8
Wednesday Evening Club 45.8
Petchey, Arthur J. 45.8
Williams College Baxter, James Phinney 42.4
Wintersnight Club 45.10-11
Barbour, Thomas* 45.10
Coolidge, Charles A. 45.10
Lyman, Theodore 45.10
Yankee Sagendorph, Robb 57.19
Youth Today Makewell, Lee W. 58.7

List of Photocopied Correspondence from General Files

The following is an alphabetical list of correspondents whose letters in the Atlantic Monthly general files have been photocopied and stored onsite at Ms. N-854. Whenever possible, researchers should use the photocopies instead of the original letters. NOTE: This is a select list. These photocopies were made prior to the integration of the Ellery Sedgwick papers in the spring of 1989, so some letters by the individuals listed below may not have been photocopied. Please consult a reference librarian for more information.

Louis Adamic (Clarence Darrow) (4)
Jane Addams (1915-1931) (18)
George R. Agassiz (1914-1922) (10)
Conrad Aiken (1915) (4)
George Arliss (1922-1923, 1930) (8)
Hon. H. H. Asquith (1919) (1)
Earl Arthur James Balfour (1922) (1)
Thomas Barbour (1919-1945) (12)
James M. Barrie (1932) (2)
Bernard M. Baruch (1921-1940) (31)
H. E. Bates (1929-1945) (10)
Lord Beaverbrook (1924-1928) (3)
William Rose Benet (1915-1934) (11)
Arnold Bennett (1916-1928) (6)
Louis Bromfield (1924) (1)
Van Wyck Brooks (1921-1940) (21)
John Buchan (1917-1935) (22)
Pearl Buck (1922-1934) (13)
Harvey H. Bundy (1928) (2)
Ben Lucien Burman (1926) (3)
Witter Bynner (1922-1934) (6)
Admiral Richard E. Byrd (1938) (2)
Henry S. Canby (1914-1940) (34)
Willa Cather (1922-1932) (18)
Lord David Cecil (1932-1938) (9)
John Jay Chapman (1914) (11)
Lord Charnwood (1918-1941)
Mary Ellen Chase (1920-1930) (33)
Sir Winston Churchill (1914-1917) (4)
Padraic Colum (1923; 1935-1940) (3)
James Bryant Conant (1935-1940) (6)
Cyril Connolly (1936) (3)
C. T. Copeland (1915-1935) (8)
A. E. Coppard (1921, 1922, 1924) (3)
James Gould Cozzens (1920-1925) (4)
Harry & Caresse Crosby (1925) (2)
S. M. Crothers (1911) (1)
Frank Crowninshield (1915-1931) (20)
James M. Curley (1930-1934) (4)
Charles P. Curtis, Jr. (1927) (1)
Harvey Cushing (1916-1936) (22)
Richard Ely Danielson (1920-1922)
Walter De La Mare (1915) (1)
Salvador De Madariage (1928)
Bernard De Voto (1926) (3)
John Dewey (1921) (2)
Ruth Draper (1932) (3)
Theodore Dreiser (1919) (2)
John Foster Dulles (1935) (5)
Lord Dunsany (1919-1957) (43)
Will Durant (1926) (4)
Charles W. Eliot (1915-1925) (31)
Dorothy Canfield Fisher (1915-1937) (25)
Abraham Flexner (1914-1934) (27)
E. M. Forster (1933) (1)
Douglas S. Freeman (1935) (5)
Felix Frankfurter (1916-1943) (70)
Robert Frost (1915, 1916, 1927, 1936) (14)
Claude Fuess (1919-1942) (47)
John Galsworthy (1924-1931) (12)
Edward Garnett (1914-1917) (16)
A. Hamilton Gibbs (1919-1933) (9)
Joseph Grew (1933) (1)
Viscount Grey (1919-1920) (4)
Albert Guerard (1922-1933) (19)
Henry Rider Haggard (1921) (1)
William Wister Haines (1934-1941) (5)
Edith Hamilton (1916-1929) (9)
Judge Learned Hand (1930) (1)
B. H. Liddell Hart (1925-1933)
Childe Hassam (1929, 1914) (2)
Roland Hayes (1942) (1)
A. P. Herbert (1927) (6)
Christian A. Herter (1919-1941) (13)
Heyward DuBose (1921-1931) (12)
Robert Hillyer (1922-1937) (9)
James Hilton (1934-1942) (16)
Herbert Hoover (1927, 1936-1938) (4)
Gerard Hopkins (1916) (2)
A. E. Housman (1926) (1)
Mark A. DeWolfe Howe (1915-1945) (49)
William Dean Howells (1915-1919) (20)
Cordell Hull (1924, 1937, 1939) (5)
Julian Huxley (1929-1932) (9)
MacKinley Kantor (1935-1936) (4)
McKenzie King (1919) (1)
Rudyard Kipling (1919) (1) + (7) notes
George Lyman Kittredge (1920-1937) (11)
Frank Knox (1941) (1)
Christopher LaFarge (1927-1940) (7)
Oliver LaFarge (1927-1940) (7)
Walter Savage Landor (1924) (2)
Owen and Eleanor Lattimore (1926-1934) (7)
Mary Lavin (1939-1941) (7)
Stephen Leacock (1919) (2)
Sinclair Lewis (1915, 1936) (3)
Vachel Lindsay (1921-1928) (5)
Walter Lippmann (1918-1939) (43)
Henry Cabot Lodge, Sr. (1917) (1)
Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. (?) (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Jack London (1916-1917) (6)
A. Lawrence Lowell (1915-1934) (15)
Amy Lowell (1914-1925) (38)
E. V. Lucas (1918-?) (5)
Rose Macaulay (1938-1944) (16)
David McCord (1922-1932) (6)
Alfred R. McIntyre (1927-1946) (16)
Archibald McLeish (1917-1935) (11)
John Masefield (1915-1926) (10)
Andre Naurois (1925, 1931) (4)
Charles Mayo (1924) (1)
Roger B. Merriman (1937) (1)
Thomas James Merton (1940-1941) (3)
Alice Duer Miller (1915) (1)
Margaret Prescott Montague
Merrill Moore (inscribes POEMS, 1922-1926)
Henry Morgenthau (1931) (3)
Samuel Eliot Morison (1918-1942) (23)
Christopher Morley (1915-1944) (35)
Guy Murchie, Jr. (1916, 1930) (2)
Robert Nathan (1934) (2)
Reinhold Niebuhr (1916-1930) (23)
Eliot Norton (1930, 1932) (2)
Alfred Noyes (1915, 1921) (2)
Frank O'Connor (1930, 1931) (2)
Alfred Ollivant (1916) (1)
Eugene O'Neill (1932) (1)
Endicott Peabody (1918, 1931, 1933, 1939) (4)
Maxwell Perkins (1928-1933) (4)
Bliss Perry (1915-1943) (26)
General John Pershing (1922) (1)
William Lyon Phelps (1920-1930) (9)
Arthur Pound (1918-1944) (49)
Chandler R. Post (1925) (1)
Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings (1931, 1920) (2)
Agnes Repplier (1914-1938) (86)
Kenneth L. Roberts (1922) (1)
Edward Arlington Robinson (1915-1929) (13)
John D. Rockefeller, Jr. (1915-1933) (14)
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1921-1932) (4)
Theodore Roosevelt (1927) (1)
Hilda Rose (1924-1937) (several)
Eugene Rosenstock-Huessy
Bertrand Russell (1915-1937) (42)
Leverett Saltonstall 1932) (1)
Carl Sandburg (1922-1927) (8)
George Santayana (1920) (1)
Harlow Shapley (1936-1945) (5)
Dallas Lore Sharp (1915-1925) (23)
Margery Sharp (1928) (2)
Vincent Sheean (1925-1950) (17)
Robert Sherwood (1936) (1)
Andre Sigfried (1927-?) (18)
Otis Skinner (1922, 1932) (2)
Alfred Smith (1930) (1)
Betty Smith (1942) (2)
Logan Pearsal Smith (1936-1944) (45)
Julia M. Sothern & E. H. Sothern (1917) (4)
Theodore Spencer (1932, 1943) (2)
Edward R. Stettinius (1934) (1)
Lytton Strachey (1918-1929) (3)
Anne Sullivan (Macy) (1933) (1)
William H. Taft (1925-1929) (5)
Rabindranath Tagore (1929) (3)
Booth Tarkington (1922) (1)
Francis Henry Taylor (1935) (2)
Albert Payson Terhune (1935) (2)
Norman Thomas (1931) (3)
Dorothy Thompson (Mrs. Sinclair Lewis) (1918-1937) (13)
Arnold Toynbee (1918-1933) (20)
George Macaulay Trevelyan (1914-1923) (9)
Carl and Irita Can Doren (8)
Henry A. Wallace (1935) (2)
Hugh Walpole (1923-1940) (5)
Sidney Webb (1914, 1917, 1922) (3)
H. G. Wells (undated) (6 signatures)
Rebecca West (1915-1924) (9 signatures)
Edith Wharton (1916, 1933) (5)
William Allen White (1915-1939) (25)
Alfred North Whitehead (1924-1926) (4)
Thornton Wilder (1934) (1)
Wendell L. Willkie (1937-1941) (4)
Ben Ames Williams (1926, 1942) (3)
Robert Cade Wilson (1946) (1)
Woodrow Wilson (1921, 1923) (3)
Owen Wister (1915-1937) (55)
Virginia Woolf (1929-1933) (7)
Alexander Woollcott (1934 and undated) (2)

Materials Removed from the Collection

Photographs from this collection have been removed to the Ellery Sedgwick photographs, ca. 1900-1942. Photo. Coll. 208.

For a list of printed materials removed from this collection, see Curator of Manuscripts.

Preferred Citation

Ellery Sedgwick papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Adams, James Truslow, 1878-1949.
Addams, Jane, 1860-1935.
Buck, Pearl S. (Pearl Sydenstricker), 1892-1973.
Cather, Willa, 1873-1947.
Churchill, Winston, 1874-1965.
Curley, James Michael, 1874-1958.
Fisher, Dorothy Canfield, 1879-1958.
Frankfurter, Felix, 1882-1965.
Frost, Robert, 1874-1963.
Hall, James Norman, 1887-1951.
Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964.
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865.
Lowell, Amy, 1874-1925.
Marshall, Charles C. (Charles Clinton), 1860-1938.
Minor, Wilma Frances.
Morison, Samuel Eliot, 1887-1976.
Nock, Albert Jay, 1872 or 3-1945.
Nordhoff, Charles, 1887-1947.
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945.
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919.
Smith, Alfred Emanuel, 1873-1944.
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930.
Whiteley, Opal Stanley.
Woolf, Virginia, 1882-1941.


Arnold Arboretum.
Boston Public Library.
Harvard University.
Rumford Press.


Forgery of manuscripts.
Japan--Description and travel.
Literature, Modern--20th century.
Spain--History--Civil War, 1936-1939--Foreign public opinion.
Women authors.


Atlantic Monthly Magazine.
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